Russian Industrialization
The Russian Industrialization doubled the amount factories in Russia. That brought poor working conditions, low wages and child labor along with it. This started several revolutionary movements including one that followed the views of Karl Marx Which believed that the industrial class workers would overthrow the czar. -
Russo-Japanese war
Russia and Japan competed for control over Korea and Manchuria and the two nations signed a series of treaties over the territories. Russia broke these agreements and Japan retaliated by attacking the Russian port at Arthur Manchuria. Due to the many Russian losses it created unrest at home and later resulted in a revolt in the middle of the war. -
Bloody Sunday
Russian laborers attempted to petition Czar Nicholas II for a better representative government, working conditions, and more freedoms. The Czar orders his troops to fire on the petitioners and they kill several hundreds. This event exhibits the socioeconomic problems suffered by average Russians and the unwillingness of the monarchy to reform. -
World War One
Czar Nicholas II decided to join the war even though his nation was not prepared to handle the military and economical cost. The Russian army had poor generals and ill equipt troops and suffered many defeats. With the many defeats it showed the czars weak military leadership and started mutinies in the front lines and most of the nation wanted a change in leadership. -
The March Revolution
In march 1917 riots started to break out over bread and fuel and this forced Czar Nickolas the second to step down from his thrown. A year later he was executed and a provisional government was created but socialist revolutionaries called soviets had more influence then the government. This ended czarist rule in Russia and since the new provisional government wanted to stay in the war even though the Russian citizens didn't want to it created a huge stepping stone for Lenin to take control. -
Lenin Returns to Russia
Germans believed that Lenin would create unrest and hurt the Russian war effort against them. When Lenin arrived he created the Bolshevik movement. Many of the workers backed the Bolshevik movement which create more order then they had before and they were able to gain control over many Russian cities. -
The Bolshevik Revolution
Factory workers invaded the Winter Palace in Petrograd calling themselves the Bolshevik Red Guard and taking government leaders. They drove the provisional government out and distributed farmland to peasants and gave control of factories to the workers. This was the first time that the Bolsheviks had power and they made the peasants and factory workers happy because they had control over farmland and the factories. -
Civil war in Russia
The Bolsheviks were threatened by the White army which was made up of all of the groups that opposed them including people that wanted to return the czar rule, people that wanted democratic government, those that opposed Lenin, and the united states. But the Bolshevik's Red army, led by Leon Trotsky, was able to defeat the white army in 1920. This showed the Russian citizens that the Bolshevik's were stronger than the governments before them such as the Czar and the provisional government. -
New Economy policy
Lenin set up a small scale version of capitalism that allowed farmers to sell their extra crops instead of handing them over to the government. They also took over major industries and encouraged foreign investment. This in combination with the peace that followed the civil war allowed the country to recover and by 1928 farms and factories were back to the production they were at before the war. -
Stalin becoming dictator
Once Lenin suffered a stroke in 1922 Stalin went into action to start petition to become the next leader of the communist party by putting his supporters into positions of power. Then when Lenin died in 1928 Stalin took complete control over the communist party and exiled Leon Trotsky. This was the last step of the Russian revolution and it set up a ruthless dictator that would rule until 1953.