Russian revolution photo

Russian Revolution

  • Marxists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists Revolutionaries Split
    Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader.
  • Port Arthur

    Port Arthur
    Russia broke treaty agreements with Japan over control of Korea and Manchuria. Japan retaliated with an attack on Russia at Port Arthur.
  • czar's Winters Palace

    czar's Winters Palace
    Over 200,00 workers along with their families marched down to czar’s Winter Palace in St. Petersburg carrying petitions asking for better working conditions. Nicholas the 2nd’s generals ordered soldiers to shoot at crowed. Over 1,000 people were wounded and many died. This incident lead to many strikes.
  • The First Duma

    The First Duma
    In may of 1906 the first Duma, made up of moderates, met to try and make Russia a constitutional monarchy. The Duma was shut down after 10 weeks by Nicholas the 2nd because he was reluctant to share his power.
  • Russia joins the World War

    Russia joins the World War
    Nicholas the 2nd decided to bring Russia into World War 1. Russia was unprepared to deal with cost of war. Russia was very weak compared to Germany. Before a year had even passed more than 4 million soldiers were killed, hurt, or taken as prisoner.
  • Good bye Czar

    Good bye Czar
    Women textile workers led a citywide strike in Petrograd. In 5 days riots started over bread and fuel shortages. 200,000 workers ran to the streets yelling “Down with the war!”. Soldiers began to fire at the crowed but then decided to side with the rioters. All the riots and protests forced Czar Nicholas to leave his throne.
  • Factory workers fight back

    Factory workers fight back
    Armed factory workers went to Winter Palace in Petrograd claiming to be the Bolshevik Red Guards. They took over government offices and arrested the leaders of the provisionals government.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    Russia and Germany agreed to a treaty which forced Russia to give up a large amount of territory to Germany and Germany's allies. This treaty caused many Russian people to become very angry and caused them to want to killl the royal family.
  • End of Civil War in Russia

    End of Civil War in Russia
    In October of 1920 Leon Trotsky no longer would command the Bolshevik Red Army and the Civil War in Russia ended.
  • Economic Changes

    Economic Changes
    Lenin ditched his plan for a state-controlled economy temporarily and resorted to a minor version of capitalism called the New Economic Policy.
  • Communist Party

    Communist Party
    Lenin had a stroke and survived but Lenin's stroke set in motion compition for heading up the Communist Party.