Decemberist Revolt
A group of nobels and army officers trying to over throw the czars government. -
Russo-Japanese war
War between the Russian enpire and the empire of Japan -
bloody sunday
while russia was on their way to loosing the war against japan, violence breaks out in st.pitsburgh which became known as the bloody sunday massacure -
World War I Russian involvment
Russia entered with 1400,000 soldiers, the largest amount of soldiers in the world. Once fully mobilized their army expanded to over 5,000,000 soldiers. The Russian army was comanded by Sukhomlinou. -
czar Nichloas II abdicates the Russian throne
Nichlolas was forced to step down because after a secret meeting him and his family were sent a death sentance -
march revolution
It all stared during world war one when 90 000 textile workers went on strike in Russia protesting about the shortage of fuel and bread -
russian civil war
1918-1921 when the bolshevics red army and the white russian army re-encountered eachother and the bolshevics red army won, this is when the union of solviet socialist republics was established -
creation of the ussr
the creation of the ussr is also the forming of the soviet union, -
death of vladimir lenin
valdimir lenin died at the age of 54 of a brain hemorrhage, valdimir lenin was a russian communist revolutionary, politician and a political terrorist