Russian Revolution

  • Women demonstration march

    Women demonstration march
    International Women’s Day march turns into a demonstration. The women are joined by striking workers. 2. The gathering took the form of a protest demonstration calling for “bread and peace. 3.the demonstrations became larger and rowdier, and the outnumbered police were unable to control the crowds.
  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

  • Lenin

    Lenin return to Russia and issues his April Theses 2. His Theses was published in the newspaper Pravda 3.His arrival was enthusiastically awaited, and a large crowd greeted him and cheered as he stepped off the train.
  • Kerensky becomes minister for war

    Kerensky becomes minister for war
    Kerensky becomes Minster for War and the dominant figure in the Provisional Government 2. The Germans believed that Lenin and his Bolshevik supporters would stir unrest in Russia and hurt the Russian war effort 3. Lenin and the Bolsheviks soon gained control of the Petrograd soviet.
  • Offensive

    Bolsheviks call for demonstrations by civilians and soldiers Congress of Soviets votes to ban all demonstrations; Bolsheviks desist 2. Kerensky orders the army to launch an offensive 3. Kerensky failed at his attempt of an offensive which did not help the Revolution
  • Uprising

    Trotsky (formerly a Menshevik) joins the Bolsheviks.2. Bolshevik uprising fails. 3. Many Bolsheviks arrested. Lenin flees to Finland. Kerensky becomes Prime Minister
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    Kornilov Affair 2.Bolsheviks get a majority in the Petrograd Soviet for the first time 3.Bolsheviks seize power.
  • Bolshevik Central committee

    Bolshevik Central committee
    Bolshevik majority in Moscow Soviet. 2. Bolshevik Central Committee rejects Lenin’s first call for insurrection.3. Trotsky becomes Chairman of the Petrograd Soviet
  • Russian congress protests

    Russian congress protests
    All Russian Congress of Soviets meets. Mensheviks and SRs storm out in protest, leaving Bolsheviks and Left SRs in charge.