
Significant People and Events of the Russian Revolutions

By CWByers
  • Publishing of ‘Manifesto of the Communist Party’

    Publishing of ‘Manifesto of the Communist Party’
    Karl Marx - a German philosopher and author who wrote the ‘Manifesto of the Communist Party’. This inspired the beliefs of Lenin. He died in 1883.
  • The 1905 Revolution

    The 1905 Revolution
    The 1905 Russian Revolution was a period of protests, strikes and unrest targeted at the government and monarchy.
  • Formation of the Cheka

    Formation of the Cheka
    They were the first Soviet secret police, formed in December just after the October revolution by the new Bolshevik- led Soviet government. They were used to repress political opponents, sending them to labour camps called Gulags spread across Russia. They were responsible for hundreds of thousands of executions.
  • February Revolution 1917

    February Revolution 1917
    Starting as mass protests on account of food shortages on 23rd February 1917 , it led to the eventual abdication of Tzar Nicholas II and the implementation of the Russian Provisional Government .
  • Abdication of Tzar Nicholas II

    Abdication of Tzar Nicholas II
    Tzar Nicholas II ruled Russia from 1 November 1894 – 15 March 1917. During his reign, Russia fell from a position of great power in the world to a defeated and starving nation.
  • Vladimir Lenin

    Vladimir Lenin
    Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks who rose to power during the November Revolution of 1917. He deposed the Provisional Government and led the first Communist government of the Soviet Union proclaiming that state power had passed into the hands of the Soviets, the workers, soldiers and peasants.
  • October Revolution 1917

    October Revolution 1917
    The Bolsheviks, under the leadership of Lenin who had recently returned from exile in Switzerland, seized power from the weak and unpopular Provisional Government. They were supported by workers, peasants and the overwhelming majority of the Russian army.
  • The Bolsheviks

    The Bolsheviks
    A political party led by Lenin inspired by the writings of Karl Marx. They grew in popularity through the 1900’s until they seized power in October 1917. They impressed their doctrine onto the entirety of Russia turning it into the Word’s first Communist nation. This was not without struggle as they fought civil wars against opposing political forces.