Rasputin assasanation
-Grigory Efimovich Rasputin was a wise holy man who saqid he could see the future and heal sick people. He won the respect of Czar Nicholas II and his wife by healing their sick son, Alexi.
-When the Czar left for war, Rasputin leaded Russia through Alexandra.
-His power was growing and people wanted to stop it, so a group of Russian nobles set out to murder him on the 29th.
-He was poisened, and shot several times until pronounced dead several days later. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
-In WW1, around December of 1917 there was a formal "ceasefire" met by both sides of the war but it was officialy declared on the 15th in Bret-Litovsk.
-Negotiating the ceasefire started around the 22nd.
-Over time, the negotiating got hostile when the central powers started demanding too much territory.
-After that the fighting started up again and the Germans were quickly defeating Russia and Lenin quckly realized that they would have to accept the central pwers lust for territory. -
Royal family executed
-Civil war broke out in Russia in June 1918, and the white Russian forces were headed to Yekaturinburg, where the family was located.
-Authorities were to prevent the killing of the Romanav's, but after a secret meeting there was a formal death sentence on the head of the family.
-When the family was unarmed in the middle of the night, a small army of men bursted into their house and brutaly shot them down, and those who were still alive after the shooting were stabbed to death.