The Decembrist Revolt
Located in Saint Pertersburg , Russian Empire. The result of it was the goverment victory decembrists deported to Siberia. -
Czar Alexander 2 emancipates the serfs
On the same day that lincoln took his oath of office, Alexander issued his emancipation manifesto. This freed the serfs from their owner. Anybody who owned a serf was recompinsated in the form of tresury bonds. -
Nicholas 2 becomes czar of Russia
NIcholas the 2 was the last czar of Russia. He rulled from November 1 1894 to March 15 1917 when he was forced to abdicate the throne. Once his forced abdication he was replaced by the provisinal goverment. -
The Social-Democratic Labor part spilt into 2 groups, the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks
When the party was together they met in a angling club in london, but anytime they were to discuss something riot and arguments broke out. This made it very clear that the party needed to spilt. They spilt into two groups the Bolsheviks (the majority) and the Menshakics (the minority) -
The Russo-Japanese War
Located in Manchuria, the Yellow Sea, and the Korean Peninsula. It was known as the first great war of the 20th century. Russia was trying to Get more warm water ports with japan. But the negotiations between Japan and Russia proved impractical. -
Bloody Sunday
considered to be the start of the revolution of 1905. Bloody Sunday was when the bolsheviks took nicholas 2 (the last czar) and the rest of his family down to their basement for a "family picture" when they shot and killed all of them. They then buried the nicholases family in surfuric acid to mask the smell of their rotting bodies. -
the revolution of 1905
the revolution of 1905 was a wave of mass political and social unrest that spread through vast areas of the Russian Empire. It lasted 2 years 4 moths 3 weeks and 4 days. -
world war 1 (Russian Impact)
On this date germany declared war on russia. The effects the war had on Russia were devastating. Nicholas spent too much time on the eastern front leaving alexandra complete controll of the western front well she was under the infliuence of rasputen. This lead to disaster. -
The March revolution
The Russian Revolution is the collective term for a series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which dismantled the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Russian SFSR. NIcholas 2 was forced to abdicate and then was replaced by the provisional goverment in the first revolution in 1917. -
Czar NIcholas 2 abdicates the russian throne
During the febuary revolution, Czar nicholas 2 (ruller of russia) is forced to give up the throne by the petrograd insurgents, and a provisional goverment is installed in his place. -
vladimir lenin and the bolsheviks capture the winter palace
The gap between the russian goverment and the military grew even wider. So Alexander Kerensky ( leader of the provisonal goverment) called upon the bolshevics to help protect st peters burg, but it back fired because when the goverment gave the bolsheviks the wepons they stormed winter palace and took over. This lead to their victory of the russian cival war. -
The Russian civil war begins
The Russian civil war was fought between the Bolshevik red army and the menshavik white army. In the end the Bolsheviks won. Shorty after Russia was renamed to the USSR (Union of soviet socialist republics) other wise known as the soviet union. -
Nicholas 2 and his family were executed
During the early morning hours of July 17 the Tsar, his wife, children and servants were herded into the cellar of their prison house and executed. Then they were buried in sulfuirc acid to mask the smell of their rotting bodies -
Vladimir Lenin dies and Josef Stalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
Lenin suffers a heart attack and dies. After Lenin died Stalin did his best to sabotage his competers and by 1928 he had totall controll over Russia. -
Alexander Kerensky becomes leader of the provisional goverment.
After the February Revolution Kerensky served as Minister of Justice in the democratic Russian Provisional Government. In May he became Minister of War. In July he became the second Prime Minister until it was overthrown by the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution. He spent the remainder of his life in exile, dying in New York City at the age of 89.