Russian Revolution

  • Bolshevik Revolution defeats Tsar Nicholas' monarchy government

    Bolshevik Revolution defeats Tsar Nicholas' monarchy government
    Vladimir Lenin was hired by the Germans to distract the Russian government. Vladimir, after already being thrown out of Russia, entered the country and started to spread his communist views to the towns folks. With a poverty problem already in Russia, most people appealed to the thought of everyone having the same amount of everything and teamed with him to take down their government.
  • Czar Nicholas abdicates the throne

    Czar Nicholas abdicates the throne
    Vladimir Lenin and his communist group marched up to the kingdom gates and was too large for Czar Nicholas's army, so he was forced to abdicate his throne. Instead of letting Czar and his family go, they locked them up and held them hostage for a bit before killing them.
  • Civil War between Red and White Armies

    The red army was the people who fought for the Lenin's Bolshevik government. The white army was a large group of loosely allied forces, including monarchists, capitalists and supporters of democratic socialism.