Marxists Revolutionaries split
Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics.
The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything.
The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader. -
Russo-Japan War
By the 1800s, Russia and Japan both wanted Korea and Manchuria. Russia and Japan signed an agreement about these lands but Russia broke the agreements. Japan responded by attacking the Russians in February 1904. -
Bloody Sunday
When over 200,000 workers and their families approached the czar’s Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. They had created a petition, asking for better working conditions, personal freedom, and an elected national legislature. 1,000 were wounded when soldiers fired on the mob. This event was named “bloody sunday” -
Creation of the Duma
Bloody Sunday caused a lot of violence in Russia. Nicholas promised freedom to the people. He approved the creation of Duma, Russia’s first parliament. Leaders of the Duma wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy. Unfortunately, the czar dissolved after 10 weeks. -
WW1, The Final Blow
When nicholas II, made a fateful decision to drag Russia into WW1. The country was unprepared for the costs, and was severely under equipped. In the first year, 4 Million people had either died, been wounded, or been taken prisoner. Carina Alexandra ran the government while Nicholas was gone, she was easily influenced by a mysterious man named Rasputin. -
The March Revolution
Women textile workers led a citywide strike in Russia. Riots filled the streets. They were protesting against the war. At first then soldiers shot the protesters but then later sided with them. The revolution caused Czar Nicholas II to step down. -
The Provisional Government Topples
Armed factory workers stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd. They took over government buildings and arrested people. Kerensky went away because of these workers. -
Bolsheviks in Power
The bolsheviks took over in march, and days after lenin ordered that all farmland be distributed among peasants. They gave factories to workers, and signed the treaty of brest-litovsk. The agreements made by the bolsheviks, angered many russians. -
Civil War Rages in Russia
There was a civil war raging in russia between three White armies fighting against the Bolsheviks’ Red Army. Many nations sent aid to Russia to help the White army and try to reach civil unrest. -
New Economic Policy
Lenin temporarily put aside his plan for a state-controlled economy.He ended up resorting to a small scale version of capitalism called the NEP. Under the NEP the peasants could sell their surplus crop instead of giving it to the government, but the government still controlled everything else. -
Stalin Becomes Dictator
Lenin had a stroke in 1922 and survived but it motivated competition for heading up the Communist Party. Stalin was one of the people that were running. At first, Stalin worked as General Secretary of the Communist Party. By 1928, Stalin was in complete control.