Russian Revolution

By Rylanwc
  • Alexander III becomes czar

  • Nicholas II becomes czar

  • Russian Marxists split into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks

  • Japan attacks Port Arthur

  • Bloody Sunday

  • Czar Nicholas II creates the Duma

  • Czar Nicholas II drags Russia into World War One

  • Nicholas II moves his headquarters to the war front

  • Rasputin murdered by a group of nobles

  • Woman textile workers lead citywide strike in Petrograd

  • Czar Nicholas II steps down

    Alexander Kerensky assumes power
  • Lenin reaches Petrograd

  • Factory Workers stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd

    Called themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards
  • Bolsheviks in power

    Led by Lenin
  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • Lenin creates the NEP

    New Economic Policy
  • Russia was named the USSR

  • Lenin suffers stroke

  • Lenin Dies

  • Stalin assumes full power of the Communist party

  • Trotsky exiled