Russian Revolution

  • First Romanov Ruler

    -Michael I of Russia
  • Last Romanov Emporer

    Nicholas I
    -Stressed "autocracy, orthodoxy and nationality"
    -Brutally crushed the rebellion of army cadets trhat rose against him
    -Known as the Decembrist Revolt- Nicholas executed many of its leaders and sentenced the rest to the horrors of a Siberian exile
  • Rule of Alexander the II Big Event

    -He abolished serfdom
    -Said that abolishing it was morally just and economically beneficial
  • Vladimir Lenin

    -Born April 22, 1870
    -Lenin's brother (Alexander Ulyanov) was hanged for plotting to kill the czar which could have easily been one of Vladimir's reasons to "finish the job" and overthrow the czar
  • Russian Revolution of 1905

    -Event leading up to bigger Russian revolution of 1917
    -Protests after RUsso-Japanese War
    -Ended with "Bloody Sunday"- massacre of peaceful demonstraters in St. Petersburg
    -Instrumental in convincing Tsar Nicholas II to attempt the transformation of the Russian government from an autocracy into a constitutional monarchy.
  • Russia's Response to WWI

    -Russia's were poorly equiped and trained and suffered heavy losses which made the army lose support of the government
    -Caused food shortages and a rise in prices
    -Winter of 1916-1917 caused more famine and issues
    -Russians were extremely upset and angry with the governent for the way the war was handled