Abolishment of Serfdom
The origins of serfdom in Russia are traced to Kievan Rus' in the 11th century.
Serfdom became the dominant form of relation between peasants and nobility. Serfdom was established in central and southern areas of the Russian Empire. -
Tsar Alexander III
Source:Alexander,became the Tsar of Russia after revolutionaries assassinated his father in 1881 and was crowned in Moscow on 15 May 1883.
Alexander was badly shaken by his fathers’ death and this caused a profound change in the political course of the country.
He had 3 ideas. 1) Repression of opponents, 2) Undoing the reforms of his father. 3) Restore russian position internationally. This was called Rusification.
He was called "The Peacemarker" because during his reign there wasn´t war. -
Alexander III
sourceSu reinado también es recordado por iniciar una tendencia de restricciones a minorías étnicas y religiosas, basándose en los principios de Ortodoxia, Autocracia, Nacionalismo formulados en 1833 por el ministro de Nicolás I .
Autorizo a la Iglesia Ortodoxa la religión oficial, el poder absoluto del zar y el idioma ruso como el único idioma oficial -
Attempt to Alexander III
SourceIn March of tthe year 1887 there was an attack from some revolutionaries which after that the 5th May of the same year they were murder, between the revolutionaries, it was the brother of.Lenin(Aleksandr Ulyanov). -
Alexander III and his succesor
Alexander III’s reign was short, he died the first of november by an illness called nephritis.When he died he left behind his work unfinished and an heir unprepared to rule, his eldest son Nicholas. The whole world reacted when the news of his death reached them.He was the Tsar more admirable for Russians. -
Nicholas II
Source:NIcholas II, the soon of Alexander III was not properly prepared for been a monarch and ruled the country.
Rasputin, a holy man who went to the palace and helped the heir(Nicholas soon)with his illness.
Because of this, the Tzar believed in him and this cause that Rasputin became his adviser who soon became very important in the states decisions.
In 1904 there was a war against Japan, in which Russia lost it and the Nicholas II lost its reputation, this cause the Bloody Sunday in 1905, -
Division of Marxist
Source:The Russian Social Democratic Labor Party divided into two, the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.
Bolsheviks were the majority and were led by Lenin, the Mensheviks were control by Julius Martov, they were the minority.
The political ideas were the main aim of the division of Marxist, Mensheviks believed in a nation run by workers, violence was not required and that Marxist would get path through capitalism, but Bolsheviks wanted to started doing something. -
Russo-Japanese War
Source:The Tzar Nicholas II wanted to expand the Russian Empire in Asia and he considered Japan a weak country.
18 months later the war was finished, the Japan army surpresively due to its military development won the russian army. but not only the humiliation (caused was the first time in which an asiatic country won and european country) was the result of the war, it also have impact in the russian economy. -
Bloody Sunday
Source:After be defeated by Japan, people were upset because of the situation. A group of worker led by a radical priest, Georgy Apollonovich Gapon, went to the Winter palace in St. Petersburg for making requets. Imperial forces shoot at then, killing hundreds of workers causing a massacre.
This cause strikes and riots all around the country, Nicholas II tried to solve the problem by creating a parliament in which the reforms would be studied. -
Murder of Grigory Rasputin
Source:The Great Duke Dmitri Romanov, Prince Felix Yussupov, Vladimir Purishkevich and Dr. Lazaret invited Rasputin to the Yusupovsky Palace, where they poison him with food and wine, it did not work so they shot him, when he seem to be death he wake up and go running to the palece ground where he was shot 2 times again and beaten, but he continue alive.
Later he was tied and throw to a freezing river where he finally died. -
4th,8th,9th March revolution
Source:The people were tired of the situatio created by the WW1, the lack of food the poverty and the cold make a hard winter.
4th March: Workers of an important factory demand an increase of salary, for buy food, as the owner didn´t allow them, they went on strike.
8th March: Strikers tried to persuaded workers for strike with them, Nicholas II saw that as hooliganism that would end soon.
9th March: The situation was getting worse, the parliament ask the Tzar for a supplement of food but he refused. -
10th,11th March Revolution
Source:March 10th : the police carry out the orders of Nicholas.People got killed and the rioters became even more angry.For the first time there were calls for the tsar to abdicate.The parliament informed Nicholas that the laws and order had broken down and even soldiers had joined them !! Nicholas then did something very foolish. He ordered that the parliament was no longer to meet.
March 11th : the Duma disobeyed Nicholas, and founded the provisional government with some soldiers -
End of Tsar Royalty in Russia
Source:March 12th : The leader of the Duma was a man called Rodzianko. He persuaded Nicholas that things had got very bad for the royal family. Nicholas then decided to return to Petrograd to restore law and order. The Provisional Government wanted to talk terms with Nicholas.
It became clear to Nicholas that the Provisional Government did not want a tsar and he was forced to give up the throne.
Tsar royalty came to an end in Russia.There had been a tsar since 1480 until March 1917. -
October Revolution
Source:The provisional goverment started to loose the control, the soviets were making a movemnet for get the control of the government, Bolsheviks assumed the direction of the movemnet but soviets still there. Soldiers and workers turned to the Bolsheviks.
Moscow was under Bolsheviks control and so do other russian cities. -
Vladimir Lenin (2nd part)
Source:and the political problems the country was goin throw for going against the provisional government.
After the October revolution in 1917 a civil war, which was won by the Bolshevik, during this period of three yerars Lenin was getting popular.
This was the beginnig of the socialism, this policy would continue been using after his death, after it the country would be contoled by Joseph Stalin. -
Vladimir Lenin (1st part)
Source:Lenin was a great student in high school, but when he get to studied in college he was expeled because of his revolutionary ideas. His brother was a revoltionary which was murder, this also cause him several problems, but it is believed that he was influenced because of his brother and what happened to him.
He was arrested and exiled to Siberia. He started to be a important revolutionary in Europe, and created the Bolshevik.
In 1917 taking advantage of Russia been in the World War I -
The Russian Civil War (1st part)
Source:It was after the November revolution in 1917. The war was the Red army against the white army, the Red army were the Bolsheviks and the White army were the anty-Bolsheviks.
a group of anarchist called the Green army also took a little palce in the war against both sides, even France and England took place in favor of the White, this was worse.
After the war, won by the Bolsheviks, Russia was going throw difficult situations, even though the country recovers -
Consecuences of the Civil War
Source:Been part of the WW1 and the civil war in a sort time let the country into problems such as food, population..., at the end the country recovers in a sort period of time. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Source:Lenin wanted to ended with the war for concentrated with the work in Russia.Trotski believed that asking for unreasonable things german people would started a rebelion, but Kamenev though that even if the petitions where reasonable germans would react.
The most voted idea was the revolutionary war against germans, the party's central committe did not liked the idea and prefer, the one of making an agreement with Germany and ending the war.Russia lost, Riga, Lithuania, Livonia, Estonia and more. -
Source:New Economic Policy. After the war the country did not produce the same that in 1914, the agriculture descnet a 60% and the industrial production was reduced to a 15%. All of this cause the government to react and create a new economical policy, the NEP.
The NEP was a new policy in which the capitilism was limited and control by the state.
People could sold their products by giving 10% of their harvest to the state, small companies could be owned by people. -
Source:The republic stated in 1917 right after the October Revolution, but the USSR was not official until 1922 when Bolsheviks won the civil war and the Declaration of the Creation of the USSR was signed. -
Stalin (3rd part)
Source:He made an agriculture sistem in which people were forced to work in agriculture at the villages because of punishment or just for complete the planned sistem, is true taht he was cruel but it is also true that Stalin increased the economy of the country in big quantities.
In 1939 he signed an agreement with Germany for not not to attack The URSS, but Hitler attack The URSS in 1941 and the country enter in WW2, where it defeted the nazis in 1945. -
Stalin (1st part)
Source:In 1899 started to get part in the secret fight against the tzar, and in 1903 he united to the Bolsheviks. The lealty to Lenin and his lack of ideas making him get in a better position in the party.
When in 1924 Lenin died he got into a battle with Trostki for getting the power, the fight get into ideological ideas, Trostki wanted the socialism to be international meanwhile Stalin wanted it to be national.
Stalin just wanted power, when the "battle" for the power was ended -
Stalin (2nd part)
Source:He exile Trostki in 1936 and in 1940 he order his muder, but not only him, Stalin did the same with Zinoviev y Kamenev, executed in 1936 and Bujarin y Rikov, executed in 1938. He used their ideas as his, and had their own dictatorship which was very bloody.
Even thouhg he was a very cruel, he made the URSS to be a great power worldwide and extend the socialism to the nearest countries.
While Stalin was ruling the democratic ideas were prohibited and anyone could express their ideas, -
Trostky into exile
Source:He was exiled to Alma-Ata, but in 1929 he was ordered to leave URSS, he went ot Turkey. in 1933 he was allowed to move to France, and in 1935 to Norway.
In 1936 the soviets get the expulsion of the Trstky from Norway, because of this he with his family move to Mexico City.
August 20th, 1940 he was murder by an Spanish Communist, it is think that he might be a Stalin agent.