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Russian Revolution

  • War

    It was the war between Imperial Japan and the Russian Empire over Manchuria and Korea.
  • Russia

    The Russian armies were quickly losing, due to their lack of a navy. With a lack of supplies and without a navy, the Russians underestimated their non-western enemy.
  • Lost

    Lossing battle after battle, Russia saw that resistance against Japan was hopeless.
  • Continuous

    Terrorism, agricultural struggles, and mutiny withing the army spiked. The Czar was desperate to stop these revolts.
  • Revolution

    After Bloody Sunday, worker protests and peasant revolts increased rapidly.
  • Resolve

    In the end, the government created the October Manifesto, a constitution that gave basic freedoms.
  • Riot

    Riots broke out in the capital, Petrograd, formerly St. Petersburg, on February 24, and, most of the Petrograd garrison joined the revolt.
  • Pro-Event

    By 1917, governmental corruption and inefficiency went rampant.
  • Abdicate

    Nicholas II was forced to abdicate March 2. When his brother, Grand Duke Michael, refused the throne.
  • Ignite

    The Russian Empire’s ethnic minorities grew increasingly restive under the domination of Russia.
  • It Begins

    On March 14, the Soviet issued its famous Order No. 1, which lead the military to obey only the orders of the Soviet.
  • Failure

    The Provisional fail to countermand the order.
  • The Real Plan

    All that now prevented the Soviet from declaring itself the real government of Russia.
  • Period: to


    Between March and October the Provisional Government was reorganized four times.
  • Feb. 1, 1917

    Military failures in the war left for the frontlines, leaving his unpopular wife and ministers to govern.
  • March

    In March 1917, the army garrison at Petrograd joined striking workers in demanding socialist reforms.
  • November Revolt

    After the November revolution, power was shared between the weak provisional government and the Petrograd Soviet. Then on November 6th, revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the provisional government.
  • Holy Man

    A peasant and a self-proclaimed "holy man" that was interested in drinking and women. He gained power and influence for curing the Czar's son Aleksei of a blood disorder.
  • March 3, 1918

    On March 3, 1918, Lenin wanted to concentrate on building up a communist state and pull out of the war.
  • March 3, 1918

    Lenin signed the Brest-Litvosk Treaty.
  • July 17, 1919

    After his abdication, Czar Nicholas II and his family were placed under house-arrest outside of St. Petersburg. During the Russian Civil War, the family was moved to Tolbolsk, Siberia, and then Ekateringburg in the Ural mountains.
  • July 17, 1918

    For Lenin, the family was giving him problems. Being the source of inspiration for The Whites, he decides to execute them. thinking they are taking a group-photo, they take position, and are shot by troops coming into the basement.
  • Year of 1922

    Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Republic write down a constitution to form the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics.
  • 1922

    From there, they either add more natinos that are willing to join the USSR, or use force to make weaker nations join.
  • Death of Lenin

    After 3 strokes and the problems they caused, Vladimir Lenin was dead.
  • Lenin

    The person to orginally take charge was Trotsky, Lenin's right-hand man, but Joesph Stalin not only sabotages his attempts to take power, he steals it from Trotsky.