Russian Revolution 1917

  • Putilov factory workers strike

  • Workers Strike

    50 factories shut down.
  • 200,000 workers on strike

    Police retaliation by the army.
  • 250,000 on strike

    Food shortages occur.
  • Telegram to Tsar

  • Volinsky Regiment mutiny

    Provisional Commitee and Soviets set up
  • Tsar proposes shared power with the P.G

  • Tsar taken by revolutionaries

  • Tsar agrees to abdicate

    Crown abdicated by brother withing 24 hours.
    Russia becomes a republic.
    New power struggle: Provisional Government or Soviets?
  • Lenin reaches Petrograd

    Rallies the support of the Bolsheviks and bestows the April Theses in which the Soviets should form their own government.
  • Russian armies attack Austria

  • The July Days

    Lasting two days, Kerensky sends troops into Petrograd.
    These troops break up mobs, killing or wounding 400 people.
    Warrant for Lenin's arrest is put out and he flees to Finland while other Bolsheviks are rounded up and imprisoned.
  • The Kornilov Revolt

    General Kornilov wished to get rid of both the Soviets and the Provisonal Government.
    The Red Guard is set up and the revolt fails.
    Bolsheviks seen as heroes.
  • Increased Bolshevik power

  • Lenin returns from exile

  • Red Guard takes action

    Begin to take control of important locations in Petrograd.
  • Seization of government buildings well as power stations and railway stations
  • Winter Palace stormed

    The Aurora, sails up the Neva and shells the Winter Palace.
    Red Guards enter the Winter Palace, the headquarters of the Provisonal Government.