Russian Revolution

  • Emancipation Edict

    This edict ended serfdom in Russia, but kept the people tied to their masters by continuing labour obligations.
  • Assassination of Tsar Alexander II

    Alexander the Third succeeded him and enacted measure which once again restricted the rights of the people
  • Famine Sweeps Russia

    Death Toll: 375,000-400,000 people between 1891-1892
  • Alexander III Dies

    Alexander III dies of terminal kidney disease (nephritis). Nicolas II ascends as his inexperienced, but well-intentioned successor.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    This massacre occurred when opressed workers marched into St. Petersburg to protest poor working and living conditions. Imperial soldiers opened fire on unarmed protestors which killed and wounded hundreds.
  • Czar Nicolas (II) Forms The "Dumas"

    This representative assembly was supposed to work toward country reform.
  • Russia Enters World War I

    Russia enter WW1 in support of Serbia and their French and British allies. This was disastrous for the Russian Empire.
  • Russia renames from "St. Petersburg" to "Petrograd"

    The renaming occurred because the Russians though the name "St. Petersburg" sounded too German.
  • Czar Nicholas Takes Command of the Russian Army Front

    This move ended up making him seem incompedant as Czar Nicolas had no battle experience.
  • Period: to

    Russia Civil War

    Russian Civil War between the Red and White Armies. Red for Lenin's Bolshevik government. The White Army for a large group of supporters for monarchy, capitalism, and democratic socialism. The resulting three years of war wrecked havoc on an already unsteady Russia.
  • Period: to

    The Soviet Union

    After Lenin's Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, he and his supported established the Soviet Union. The first Marxist-Communist state in the world, the Soviet Union would grow to be one of the world's strongest and most terrifying powers. Under Lenin, Russia was brought into a period named "The Red Terror" in which people lived in fear of Lenin's brutal secret police. After Lenin's death, a brutal dictator named Joseph Stalin took over Russia and millions died as a result of his regime.
  • February Revolution

    This revolution (which took place in modern-day March) began on February 23rd on the Julian calendar. The uprising of protestor demanding food refused to leave the the streets of the capital, even when army troops arrived.
  • Duma forms provisional government

  • Czar Nicolas II Abdicates

    Czar Nicolas II Abdicates
  • Bolshevik Revolution/October Revolution

    On Nov. 6th and 7th (modern calendar) or October 24th and 25th (Julian Calendar) the Bolshevik Party (led by Vladimir Lenin) revoulted clamoring for a Soviet government.
  • Romanov Family Executed

    Czar Nicolas II and his family were assassinated by order of Lenin’s regime. Their remains were found in 1917, but without two of the Romanov children. Over the years there many people who have surfaced claiming to be Anastasia or Alexei Romanov. These and other rumour have inspired a Disney movie, a Broadway musical, and a whole lot of speculation.
  • Joseph Stalin Takes Over Russia

    Joseph Stalin Takes Over Russia
    One of the world's most despised dictators, Joseph Stalin ruled Russia with an iron fist. His brutal regime murdered millions of Russians, but cemented Russia's reputation as a terrifying 20th century power.