The Decemberist Revolt
Decemberist, Russian Dekabrist, was any of the Russian revolutionaries who led an unsuccessful uprising on Dec. 14. The Decemberist were primarally members of the upper classes who had some miltary background -
Emacipation Reform of 1861
In 1861 Emancipation Manifesto proclaimed the emancipation of the serfs on the private estates and the domestic household. By this edict more than 23 million people recieved there liberty. Serfs were granted the full rights of free citizens. This included the freedom the marry without having the gain consent, to own propery, and to have a bussniess. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
When Nicholas was crowned on May 26, he was very weak. During that time, Russia lost to the Japaneese in the Russo-Japanesse war. After that, it led to the Russian Revolution in 1905. In 1914 Nicholas led his country to another costly war, World War 1. As Nicholas being very weak, only 1/3 of the people fighting got amunition. There was a scarce of food which led to defeat. -
The Social-Democratic Labor Party splits into two groups, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks
The meetings between the two were very violent arguing. It became clear very quickly that the one group would split into two. The Bolsheviks claimed there name after getting there way into a wrangle over the editorial board of the Party newspaper. Lenin at that point had no time for democracy. -
The Russo-Japanesse War
During this, Japan won a series over the Russians, who underestimated the military potential of its non-Western opponent. After the three major defeats convinced Russia that Japan had imperal designs for east Asia was hopeless. In August 1905 U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt mediated a peace treaty at Portsmouth, New Hampshire -
The Revolution of 1905
This started because of a peaceful protest. This protest was a turning point. 150,000 people were taken into the streets during the cold snow covered streets of St. Petersburg to protest about there lifestyle. -
World War 1
During World War 1, 17 million people were killed. This war started because Franz Ferdiand was assissinated. Ferdiand was the archduke of Austria-Hungary. After, Austria-Hungary then declares war on Serbia. In August Germany declares war on France, and eventually Austria-Hungary invades Russia. Later on, the United States joined. 4 years later, the war was finally over. -
The March Revolution
In March there was a dual power insured, which was held by state power while the national network of Soviets had a great amount of lower class. During this time the population went up a lot. -
Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks capture the Winter Palace
On that night, a train from Finland arrived in St. Petersburg Russia. From that moment on everything has been changed. Throughtout the spring and summer Vladimir had tried to bring his army to the streets however, he failed. The ending to this was a plunge to Russia in a brutal civil war that ended with a Bolshevik victory in 1921. -
Alexander Kerensky becomes the leader of the provisional government
In 1917 when this started, Kerensly was one of the most prominent leaders. Kerensly was a member of the Provisional Commitee of the State Duma. Eventually he was elected vice-chairman. Later he became the first Minister of Justice in the newly formed Provisional Government. -
Russian Civil War
This war was a multi-party war in the former Russian Empire. THey had fought between the Red Army and the White Army. In 1918 it became clear that the revolutionary army was to small. By the end of this, 83% of all Red Army divisional and corps commanders were ex-Tsairst soilders. -
The Family is killed
In July, the Bolshevicks killed the family in the cellar of Ipatiev House of Ekaterinburg. Because of this, it ended the Romanov dynasty. Years later in 1979 bones were uncovered that led to be the familys. The remains of Nicholas and Alexandras daugher, Marie and the 13 year ld son Alexi, still remained missing. By 2007, DNA testing conformined that the bones of these people were near Ekaterinburg, and the case was closed. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday was a day that bystanders and many people were killed. There was said that there was only 3,000-5,000 bystanders, but there were more like 15,000. Overall this took 12 years to report on and find the people who were to blame for this. 13 men died with wounding another 13.