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Russian Revolution

  • Marxists Revolutionaries Split

    Marxists Revolutionaries Split
    Marxist revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The Bolshevicks that were more redical were ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes leader.
  • The Russians Vs. Japanese

    The Russians Vs. Japanese
    Russia and Japan competed for Korea and Manchuria. Russia breaks agreement over the territories. Japanattacks Russia's Port Arthur, Manchuria.
  • The Citizen's Protest

    The Citizen's Protest
    About 200,000 people went to the Czar's Winter Palance. The people demanded better working conditions, more personal freedom, and an elected national legislature. Many citizens were shot.
  • The First Duma

    The First Duma
    The first duma was Russia's first parliament. Leaders wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy. The Czar dissolved the duma out of hesitation of sharing his power.
  • A Czar's Bad Decision

    A Czar's Bad Decision
    Nicholas dragged the unprepared Russia into WWI. Weak generals and poorly armed troops did not fare too well. Many fights were lost because of the German machine gun.
  • The Mighty Voice of the People

    The Mighty Voice of the People
    At first, just women textile workers led a city wide strike. Next five days, riots began over bread and fuel shortages. Soldiers joined the riots in stead of stopping them.
  • Bolsheviks Grow

    Bolsheviks Grow
    Armed factory workers stormed the Winter Palace. These people called themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards. Bolsheviks took over government offices.
  • The Bolshevik - Germany Compromise

    The Bolshevik - Germany Compromise
    Bolsheviks and Germany signed a treaty to stop war on Russia. Russia lost a chunk of land in the treaty. Russians were not happy with the Bolsheviks.
  • Russia's Internal Struggle

    Russia's Internal Struggle
    Civil war between the Red army and the White army began. America helped the white army with soldiers. The Red army won the civil war proving the Bolsheviks could both sieze and maintain
  • Lenin Starts the NEP

    Lenin Starts the NEP
    NEP stands for New Economic Policy. This was a small scale form of capitalism planned by Lenin. Allowed peasants to sell surplus crops instead of giving them to the government.
  • The USSR

    The USSR
    Lenin put Russia into many self governing republics. Counrty is renamed, " Union of Soviet Socialist Republics," in honor of the councils that helped launch Bolshevik Revolution. Bolsheviks renamed themselves the Communist Party.