Russian Revolution

  • Dissatisfied workers organize strike

    Rapid industrialization caused new problems, including grueling working conditions, miserably low wages, and child labor. And so the workers retaliated.
  • Nicholas II becomes Tsar of Russia

    After Alexander III died, Nicholas II took over.
  • Centuries of autocratic rule by the Tsars

    Autocratic rule by the Czars was when the Czar had ultimate power over the entire country.
  • Russia loses war with Japan

    Russian troops are defeated on land and sea. The war ends with
    negotiations led by U.S. President Roosevelt.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Major uprising of striking workers that
    was halted by gunfire from the Imperial Guards.
  • Russia establishes a Duma

    Parliament with few powers.
  • The Great War

    Russia joins in WW1
  • Nicholas abdicates the throne

    Nicholas II assumes control of the Army and moves headquarters to the front; therefore the Tsar
    is not present to run the government from St. Petersburg.
  • March Revolution

    Revolutionary forces lead Nicholas II to abdicate. The Provisional
    Government is established but chooses to continue the war.
  • Lenin returns to Russia

    Lenin returns to Russia from exile; Peace, Bread, and Land!
  • Bolshevik Revolution topples provisional government

    Bolsheviks, led by Lenin and Trotsky and with the support of
    the Russian Navy and Petrograd Guards take over the government.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ends Russia's involvement in WW1

    Sacrifices 1/3 of its population and ¼ of its territory to Germany to keep from being invaded.
  • Revolutionary movements compete for power

    In March 1917, women textile workers in Petrograd led a citywide strike.
  • Lenin establishes NEP

    Lenin issues the New Economic Policy
  • Lenin suffers a stroke

    Lenin suffers a stroke and becomes an invalid, dies in 1924.
  • Stalin becomes Dictator

    Joseph Stalin takes control of the Communist Party in Russia.