Period: to
Russian Revolution
Reign of Czar Alexander III (1881-1894)
~accused Jews of having to much land/ and told people t turn on them
~ his interests promoted the nobles
~ the peasant and working class did not like him
* He set the stage for the Russian people being unhappy with Czar -
Reign of Czar Nichoals II (1894-1917)
~thought he should rule with the monarch
~created the Duma
~Bloody sunday, WWI, Russo-Jap war
* he was disliked because he ignored the Russian problems. In rule when Russians revolt. -
Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
~ When Russia and Japan where in competition for land in northern China.
~ japan had the advantage of being more industrialized, and had more troops then Russia.
* This led to the Russian Revolution. People wanted to change the government into a constitutional monarchy. was a cause for the Duma being created -
Bloody Sunday (jan 22, 1905
~ 200,000 workers marched up to Czar's winter palace dressed their best with a list grievances to demand relief from working/living conditions. they had no intention of making it violent.
~It turned violent when the police opened fire
~Czar was not home
* There were uprisings all over the country. The people had less belief in the government. -
Establishment of the Duma (1905)
* Follows the Russo-Japanese war and Bloody Sunday. Done to improve Czar's reputation. -
Russia's participation in WWI (1914-1918)
~ joined after declaring war on Germany
~not very militarized or industrialized
* The Russian people balain the Czar for their failure in WWI -
death of Rasputin (1916)
~ a sketchy man
~ was said to be a healer, physic, and exorcist
* Czar blamed for leaving the government in the hands of Alexander -
Abdication of Czar Nicholas II/Establishment of Provisional Government (1917)
~ Russia struggled economically, industrially, and agriculturally.
* he was disliked because he ignored the peoples issues and only cared about what wanted. this caused revolts and uprisings. -
Bolshevik Revolution (1917)
~Redistributes farmland to peasants; turn factories over to the worker
* this led to the creation of the USSR -
Civil War (1918-1920)
~Follows the same format as other revolutions
~Foreign countries get involved as well
~Red army
- (Bolshevik) Lenin's army- led by Leon Trotsky (political leader)
* also led to the Establishment of the USSR -
Establish of the USSR (1922- 1991)
~Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or soviet Union
~Communist (fmr. Bolshevik) Party holds all the power
~This is not true communism because there is a government
Soviet Union will exist until 1991
* Self governing republics discouraged nationalism - wants people to be dedicated to communism, not each other -
Stalin rise to power (1922-1927)
~Manipulates is way into power despite linen's concerns
~By 1928 Stalin is in total command of communist party
* because he is threatened by Trotsky he has him killed
* and is later dictator of Soviet Union -
Lenin dies of stroke (1924)
~setting up competition over his replacement
~Leon Trotsky- red army commander. He was expected to take over
~Less aggressive/in favor of a democratic form of socialism
~Joseph Stalin (man of steel)
~Lenin feared him, did not think he was committed to communism
* Stalin ends up in power -
Leon Trotsky's exile (1928- 1929)
~ Stalin was treated and had him sent to mexico
~realized that mexico was not far enough and had him killed a year later.