Decembrist Revolt
- It was an uprising of Russian revolutionaries that was unsucessful toward Nicholas I's taking of the throne. -Took place at Sanate Square in St. Petersburg. -Decemberist wanted to govern their own personal affairs and wanted freedoms.
Emancipation of Serfs
-Emancipated under the reign of Alexander II of Russia.
-There were not enough worked in Russia to man the factories, leading to the serfs being emancipated so the factory jobs could get accomplished.
-Serfs were granted freedoms and could live as they pleased. -
Bloody Sunday
-Took place in St. Petersburg when peaceful citizens marched to give Tsar Nicholas II a petiton, but we gunned down by the Imperial Guard.
-Cause was the new worker unions trying to show their plan to Nicholas II, explaining to him what they wanted.
-Leader of the march was preist, Gregory Gapon. -
Revolution of 1905
-Huge political uprising of the Russian perople against the Imperial governmant powers.
- Terrorism, military mutinies, worker strikes, and peasant unrests.
- Affects were the creation of the Russian multi-party system, limited constituional monarchies, the russian contitution of 1906 and the State Duma of the Russian Empire. -
Russia Enters WWI
-Had the largest army in the world, 5 million soldiers strong.
- Joined the war because its ally, Serbia, was attacked by Austria and Hungary.
- Overall affect was that Germany declared war on Russia. -
Rasputin Murdered
-he was killed because of the powerful influence he had on the royal family of Tsar Nicolas II.
-Rasputin's body was poisoned with enough poison to kill an elephant, shot four times, badly beaten, and finally drowned.
- A few months later the imperial regime was over thrown during the Russian Revolution. -
March Revolution (8th-12th)
-Caused by the terrible state of Russia while at war with Germany, and the lack of basic necesssities for the Russian people.
-Riots, mayhem, and shooting filled the streets of Pertograd and were monitored by the police.
-Tsar Nicholas II was abdicated and replaced by Alexander Kerensky in the Russian government. -
Tsar Nicholas II Abdicated
-Forced to abdicate, resign, after the Russian Revolution.
-Family imprisoned in the Alexander Palace at Tsarskoye Selo, then in the Governor's Mansion in Tobolsk, and finally moved to the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg.
-Nicholas II and his family was later assinated at the Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg. -
Bolshevik Revolution
-Lenin came back to Russia and made the Bolshevik Party goal to overthrow the Provisional Government and set up a government for the proletariat.
- Destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and created the USSR.
-Bolshevik motto was, "All power to the soviets!" -
Murder of the Romanovs
-Excuted at the last palace they lived at in Yekaterinburg.
-Executioners were Yakov Yurovsky, G.P. Nikulin, M.A. Medvedev (Kudrin), P.Z. Yermakov, S.P. Vaganov, A.G. Kabanov, P.S. Medvedev, V.N. Netrebin, and Y.M. Tselms.
-Yurovsky carried the bodies through Russia in a vehicle burrying and burning them along the way. -
Treaty of Versailles
-Ended WWI and ended all other mayhem in Russia.
-Made Russia give back lands to originally countries which it had taken and placed in the Russian Empire.
-led to the Communism expansion in Russia. -
USSR formed
-Established after the Russian Revolution and led by Lenin and later Stalin.
-Was a single party political system led by the communist party.
-Ended in 1990. -
Lenin Dies
-he was a a Russian revolutionary, lawyer, economic theorist, author, political philosopher, and creator of the Soviet Communist Party.
-had over 90,000 mourners come see him at the Hall of Columns.
-City of Petergrad was remanmed Lenigrad after his honor toward the USSR.
-died of a heart attack. -
Stalin Takes Power
-Against Trotsky for power, but won because of his connection to the people.
-Began to become a dictator and make government more totalitarian.
-Reformed Russia's economy in 13 years to make it the most powerful in the world. -
Death of Trotsky
-After being exiled from Russia, he was murdered by an ice axe in Mexico.
- Could have been the leader of the USSR, but Stalin won.
- His last words were, "I will not survive this attack. Stalin has finally accomplished the task he attempted unsuccessfully before."