
Russian Revolution

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Workers,including women and children, marched to the czar's palace in St. Petersburg and led a peaceful protest.They wanted better working conditions, more personal freedom and a legislature. The Czar Nicholas II isn't in his palace. The guard start to shoot at the crowd. The civilian claimed over a thousand deaths,while the government claimed there were only a 100. That was a major event, that led to the Russian Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Russian Revolution

    A series of important events leading up to the Russian revolution
  • February Revolution

    February Revolution
    Women striked against the government for "peace and bread."
    Soldiers were ordered to shoot the strikers, but instead joined them. This event lead to a general uprising. On Fenruary 27 1917, the Duma established a Provisional Government, which was lead by moderates from the Duma.
    The people thought this Provisional Government would result in peace, but instead Alexander Kerensky vowed to stay involved in WWI. The people, of course, were opposed to his decision. This tension lead to anger.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Petrograd Soviet, representative body of the city's workers, was an important rival power to the Provisional Government during the time leading up to the October Revolution. The Bolsheviks, a group of Communists, created trouble by advocating immediate overthrow of the government.
    Lenin,who was returning from his exile, was the leader.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    Armed factory workers, the "Bolshevik Red Guard," took over the key government building in Petrograd overnight. Now, Russia is a Communist state.
  • Civil War Continued

    Civil War Continued
    In response to the economic crisis, Lenin created a new ecomic policy(NEP). This modified capitalism, better living conditions for peasants and privat industry. Results of the new policy were recovering of the economic and the agricultural production went back to 75% of pre-war production.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil was between the Red Army, made of the Bolsheviks, and the White Army, made of the enemies of the Bolsheviks.
    The White Army lost, based on the fact that they were not organized and had not a common goal. Also the fact that the Allies did not fight lead to the downfall of the White Army. The victory of the Red Army created nationalization with the russian people. Results of Civil War including centralization of the state under the Communist control. On of the problem was starvation.
  • A new state

    A new state
    Lenin and his communist party made up a new russian state, the "Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR)."
    The new stae was made up of the "Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic (RSFSR)" and 14 other Republics.
    That created peace and stability for a period of time, which was exactly what the people had wanted.
  • Stalnist Russia

    Stalnist Russia
    After Lenin's death and killing Trotsky, stalin takes control over the USSR. He comes up with a 5 year plan, which included controlled ecomony under the government.
    Another change under Stalin was the collectivization, which took control of small farms and combined them into larger farms. Both changes did not make the people happy. Results were starvation and disappointment in the government.
    Besides living under Stalin was living in fear and terror.