Period: to
Russo-Japanese War
Bloody Sunday
Many workers protested the winter palace where the czar was hiding. He didn't come out and confront the people there so many were killed because the soldiers defending the palace fired into the crowd. -
Revolution of 1905
Workers decided that the ruling that was going on in Russia was unfair and they wouldn't stand for it anymore. They had a revolution in Russia -
Creation of the Duma
Were council assemblies created by tsar Nicholas the II. But it was gotten rid of when Peter the great took the throne -
Russia becomes a totalitarian state
This is when the state decides that they are going to control everything that this country does, and closely regualte. -
Russia Enters WW11
Russia enters the civil war very un prepared with low troops and a low supply of goods/food. -
March Revolution begins
Nicholas abdicates the throne
Nicholas was asked to abdicate the throne. With no struggle he decides that he is going to do it. He then is asked to leave to Siberia with his family. -
Lenin returns from exile in Germany
Vladmir Lenin decided that when he got back that he was going to waste no time and decided to continue working with the Bolsheviks on the revolution -
Kerensky heads the provisional government
Civil war begins
Lenin takes power
Russia pulls out of WW1
Due to the fact that Russia was so un prepared for WW1 they decided that they couldn't afford anymore casualities and decided it would be best for the nation to pull out of the war. -
Assassination of Romanov Family
The family was woken up in the middle of the night taken down into a small basement and then all of them were shot and killed. -
Assassination on Romanov Family
Trostsky wins civil war
Stalin comes to power
Was a very tough ruler he changed the type of government that Russia had. -
Period: to
The Great Purge