Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Events leading up to the Russian Revolution

  • The Decembrist Revolution

    The Decembrist Revolution
    In 1825, a group of nobles and army officers tried to get rid of the czar's government. Czar Nicholas I crushed the uprising, executed five leaders, and banished hundreds more to Siberia.
  • Alexander II emancipates the serfs

    Alexander II emancipates the serfs
    First of all, a serf is pretty much a slave. Emancipate means to free, so in 1864, Alexander II freed the serfs.
  • Assassination of Alexander II

    Assassination of Alexander II
    Back in the 1800's, on March 31, 1881, Alexander II was assassinated. A hand-held bomb was thrown at him on the streets of St. Petersburg.
  • The Russo- Japanese War

    The Russo- Japanese War
    The Russian- Japenese War started on February 8, 1904 and ended on September 5,1905. less than 1/3 of the men had a gun with them. The rest would follow them until they die and then pick up the gun and use it for themselves.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Over 150,000 people joined a Russian Orthodox priest, named Father Gapon, in a protest on January 22, 1905. They were simply asking him for help because they were slaves. The 150,000 people did not want to be treated like slaves anymore.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
  • World War I

    World War I
    World War I lasted fron July 28, 1914 until November 11, 1918. 135 countries fought in World War I and more than 15,000,000 people died over the four years.
  • Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    After the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas II abdicated the throne. After this, Nicholas and his family were being held at the Alexander Palace and then at the Governers Mansion. Nicholas and his family were later killed in the same room.
  • Febuary/March Revolution

    Febuary/March Revolution
    In febuary and March, a crowd joined by soldiers rioted the streets of St. Petersburg and started an uprising. This caused Czar Nicholas II to abdicate the throne.