Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese War

    Russia saw the oppurtunity to attack Japan and gain control of Korea. The Japanese defeated Russia and gained control of Korea. The war strained Russia's resources which resulted in poorly equiped soldiers causing them to be defeated. Russia was weakened becuase factories weren't able to produce enough supplies for the army therefore they counldn't produce enough resources for the homefront leaving Russia in turmoil.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Peaceful protesters filled wanting shorter hours and better wages. The protesters marched towards the Winter Palace and soldiers came out and shot protesters. The Russians felt the tsar deserted them and shot away the orthodox faith. Bloody Sunday was a day that the people lost their faith and trust in the tsar.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolts and strikes went on and finally things became so bad Nicholas had to announce sweeping reforms and in the October Manifesto, he promised "freedom of person, conscience, speech, assembly, and union." He agreed to summon a Duma and he said no law will go into effect without approval by the Duma. The reforms were never given and the people of Russia were angry. Some weak reforms were made but the Russian people were left dissatisfied and simmering with unrest.
  • Russia Joins World War I

    The start of World War I united the Russian people and gave them pride. THe Russian armies went off to war enthusiastically. Russia hit a roadblock though when they couldn't produce enough supplies to fuel the war effort and help feed and help the homefront. Russians began starving both on the homefornt and on the battlefield and the spirits of the Russian people decreased because they were struggling to make it by and survive.
  • Gregory Rasputin

    Gregory Rasputin
    Since her husband Nicholas II was off at war, Alexandra needed advice so she went to Gregory Rasputin who was an illiterate peasant and self-proclaimed "holy man." She chose him because he helped with her son but Rasputin took advantage of the oppurtunity and took control of Russia. The government lost confidence and fearing a monarchy some Russian nobles killed Rasputin. The Russian people were still discontent but were glad the vthreat of a monarchy was put to rest.
  • February Revolution

    The February Revolution brought about a new revolutionary, Vladimir Lenin who used the works of Karl Marx and adapted Marxist ideas for the conditions in Russia. Lenin created a group called the Bolsheviks that were against capitalism with Lenin. Germany saw the chance to weaken its enemy when Lenin came out of exile and fueled the revolution even more letting Germany get Russia while it was down. Russian people were still starving and wanting reforms and continuing the revolution.
  • The Abdication of The Tsar

    In March the tsar, Nicholas II was adivsed to abdicate because of all the disasters leaving Russia in even more choas. People still were angry and starving shouting "Bread," and workers were going on strike. Russians had little to be happy about and were frustrated with all the problems they faced.
  • November Revolution

    Lenins forces of Red Guards which were armed factory workers that joined sailors from the Russian fleet in attacking the provisional government. Lenins forces overthrew the provisional governement quickly allowing Bolsheviks to gain power in other cities. The Bolsheviks were renamed Communists became the new leaders and the Russians were left under the control of another set of leaders that helped them very little. The people of Russia were still going on strike and revolting because of WWI.
  • Russia Offically Ends Its Involvement in World War I

    Russias involement in World War I ended with the signing of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk giving up a lot of Russia territory and its population. The Communist leaders took to defeating the enemies at home. Russian people were able to relax being free from World War I and having to gain a foothold to rebuild and survive.
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    Russian Civil War

    Russia was involved in a civil war between the "Whites" who were the counterrevolutionaries and the "Reds" who were the communists. Allies intervened in the civil war to help the "Whites" defeat the communists but they did little to help. The "Whites" were defeated by the communists allowing the communists to have control.
  • The Death of the Romanovs

    The Romanov family was executed because the Communists didn't want them to be a rallying symbol for the counter-revolutionary forces. Russians used the execution to fuel their revolution and fight for the reforms and rights.
  • Formation of the USSR

    Formation of the USSR
    Lenins communist government united Russia's empire into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), or the Soviet Union. Now all the political power, resources, and means of production would belong to the workers and peasants. The Communists still were in control and not the people in reality because they used the army and secret police to enforce its will.
  • Lenin's Death and the Competition To Replace Him

    In 1924 Lenin died and the struggle to replace him began. The contenders were Joseph Stalin and Trotsky and they were very different especially on the future of communism. Eventually Trotsky lost and fled the country in 1929. Stalin used ruthless measures to put all the power in his hands causing him to win dictatorial power. Russia was left under the control of a dictator and never gained more rights and reforms like they had hoped.