World War I Begins
World War I is started because of the Alliance System. Along with many other countries like France, Great Britain, Germany, and the United States, Russia was swept into the madness and carnage because of stupid bonds... -
Czar Nicholas II assumes supreme command of the Russian Army
Czar Nicholas II was the supreme leader of Russia, and when Russia entered the war, Russia was immedietly in trouble economically. Nicholas II decided to take control of the army and this took him away from his jobs in Russia. This led many people to be unpleased and also continued to add to economical problems... -
Rasputin is Murdered
A Russian mystic and holy man who become adviser to Tsar Nicholas II and his wife, Tsarina Alexandra Rasputin. He quickly gained favor with the Russian rulers. However, in December 1916, a group of aristocrats poisned Rasputin's wine with cyanide. Though the poison failed to kill Rasputin, the noblemen shot him and deposited his body in a river later that night. By that time virtually all educated Russians opposed the tsar, who had removed many capable officials from government. -
February Revolution
Numerous Riots that ended the Romanov Dynasty and paved way for the Bolshevick party to push themselves into power in another revolution later on... -
Lenin Returns to Petrograd from Exile
In 1887 Lenin's borther is hung for plotting to kill Czar Nicholas III. Nicholas III dies and his son Nicholas II takes over and arrests Lenin, and exhiles him to Siberia... -
The July Days
The July Days begin in Petrograd with spontaneous protests against the Provisional Government; (which took over after Romanov Dynasty ended). The workers and soldiers of Petrograd staged armed demonstrations against the Provisional Government that resulted in a temporary decline of Bolshevik influence and in the formation of a new Provisional Government. Forced Lenin into hiding. -
The October Revolution
To make a very long story short, while Lenin was hiding about 2 million Russian soldiers from the East Front deserted the front lines. Mutiny arouse in the army and the Soviets and Red Guards, led by Lenin, were forced to protect Petrograd. Eventually the Soviets and Bolscheviks took over the Winter Palace and took control of the Russian government -
Lenin Takes Control of Russia
Lenin, Head of the Soviet Council of People's Commissars, takes control after the capture of the Winter Palace... -
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
With all of the revolutions and economic problems at home Russia just could not afford to stay in the very costly and deadly war. With just under 4 million total Russian people dead because of the war, the fighitng had to stop. The Treaty was between the Central Powers and Russia and allowed them to exit the war. -
The Bolshevik Party becomes the Communist Party
Just like the title states, the Bolsheviks become the infamous Communists... -
Russian Civil War Begins
The civil war occured after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. It occured because of the formation of many groups of people who opposed Lenin's Bolscheviks. These groups included militarists, monarchists, and, for a short time, foreign nations. They became known as the White Army and the Communists became known as the Red Army -
Russian Civil War Ends
Despite the overwelming odds, The Red Army comes out of the war victorious. This leaves Russia, Now the U.S.S.R., in Lenin's complete control. -
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) is established
This event marked the begining of the Soviet Union. A federal union of 15 subnational Soviet republics. The state was structured under a highly-centralized government and economy. -
Lenin Dies, Stalin Becomes Successor
This is my last event. Lenin's death isn't the end of Communist Russia. In fact it is only the beginning of a long ordeal. Stalin's sudden achievement of power will strengthen the U.S.S.R. and cause many problems in the future...