Russian Revolution

By jabk11
  • Czar Nicholas Takes Control

    Alexander opposed other groups within Russia. He made Russian the official language and forbid the use of any other languages. He enforced strict cenorshipcodes on materials. When he became czar he continued the tradtion of russian autocracy.
  • Economic Downturn...

    Russia's economic, political and governmental status were tumbling down.
  • Russo-Japanese War

    Both Russia and Japan were expanding empires, but they both wanted what they didn't have.
  • Unhappy Campers

    200,000 workers and their families marched to the Czar's palace in St. Petersburg, petitioning for better working conditions and sufficient pay. Nicholas II's army demanded to shoot the crowds. More than thousands were wounded and hundreds were killed, hence it's famous label "Bloody Sunday".
  • Revolution of 1905

    This was a mass of political and social choas that spread through the Russian Empire. Some of it was against the government, while others disputed against the poor economical status. It included terrorism, factory strikes, and houses burned.
  • First Parliament Meeting

    The Duma, or parliament, met for the first time, which was issued by Nicholas II.
  • Russia Enters into WWI

    Russia got involved in WWI because Serbia was attacked and accused of assassination by Austria-Hungary. Russia's army was one of the largest, standing at more than 1,400,000 soldiers.
  • Moving Headquarters

    Nicholas II moves his headquarters to the front, while his wife, Tsarina Alexandra starts to be influenced by Rasputin.
  • Influence Gone Wrong

    Rasputin, the Russian monk, was a threat to the Tsarist government, and his influence on Alexandra was a threat to the empire. Nobles decided to put a stop to him, so he was murdered on December 16th 1916.
  • Nicholas II Steps Down

    One week after the riots began, Tsar Nicholas II abdicated, or gave up his power of the throne.
  • City-Wide Strikes

    Strikes across multiple cities broke out, protesting against war and shortage of food and supplies. This included the March Revolution on March 8th. This caused Nicholas II to give up the throne, and leaders of the Duma set up the Provisional Government that was ineffective.
  • Lenin is Back

    Vladimir had returned from his exile, and was ready for change. He called for Soviets (Russian politicians) to take power, and bring in new communist policies. He called these the April Theses.
  • Bolsheviks Return

    Lenin and the Bolsheviks seize power in the Bolshevik Revolution. Although another leader, Leon Trotsky, a Soviet politician and founder of the Red Army, also took part in the Bolsheviks Revolution. Russia is now in ruins,, ripe for revolution. Soon after, the Council of People’s Commissars was formed in the Russian Republic, made up after the Soviet System.
  • New War

    Russia begins its Civil War, which was a dispute between the Red Army and the White army. The "Whites" were pro socialists who wanted to restore the monarchy. This Civil War lasted until 1920.