Russian revolution 1917

Russian Revoloution PD4

  • Great change c:

    Great change c:
    photo~ In the late 1800's and the early 1900's russinas expiereced great change.
  • Free Serfs .

    Free Serfs .
    photo~ In 1861 the czars fgrees the serfs.
  • Democracy Party

    Democracy Party
    photo~In 1898 the Marxist formed the Rusian social Democratic labor party.
  • two groupls

    two groupls
    photo~ In 1903 Rusiia split into to groups wich where Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks
  • March

    photo~ On January 22, 1905 thousand of men and women peacefully marched to czar Micholouas Winter palace in St.Petersberg.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

    World War 1 started in 1914 and ended in 1918.
    August of 1914 Gearmamny declared war on Russia.
    In december of 1916 a group of russian nobles loyal to the czar murdered the Rasputin.
  • October Revoloution

    October Revoloution
    photo~ Old russian (October 25 ,1912
    7)~ start of the revoloution
    Trotsky who had excaped in 1907 returned to Petrograd in May 1917 chosen to head the soviet in Septemeber.
    November 7, 1917 (October 25, 1917) the Bolshevik led amy of workers , soldiers, and sailors took control of Provisional goverment. November 8,1917 all Rusiian congress of soviets authorized the Bolsheviks to set up a council.
  • October revloution part 2

    October revloution part 2
    photo~ Decemebr 2, 1917 russians negotiated a cease.
  • Febuary Revoloution

    Febuary Revoloution
    photo~ On March 8, 1917 (Febuary 25 on the old Russian calender) strikes and routes over food and coal shortefes broke out in Petograd.
    On March 15, 1917 the goverment forced czar NIcholoas to abdicate.
    In 1918 Nicholoas and his fmaily were taken into custody Bolsheviks killed them at Yekateburg.