Russian Revelution Timeline

By ehughes
  • Nicholas II crowned Tsar of Russia

    Nicholas II crowned Tsar of Russia
    Nicholas II crowned Tsar of Russia and tsarina Alexandra became together the rulers of the russian empire. Raspution was made the Advisor and healer of the Romanovs.
  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese War

    The Japanese were victorius and forced russia to stop its expansonist policy in the far East. Japan became the first asian power to defeat a European one.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    The revolution lead to soilder mutinies, and workers on strike. Political and social tension, aimed at government and Ruler. Stalin Exiled Leon trotsky to Siberia. The Duma was formed as the result of the revoultion of 1905 by Csar Nicholas the ll. The October Manifesto was issued as a response to the Revultion of 1905.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    unarmed demonstrators were shot by soilders under the csar's orders. It was a masssacre in st.pettersberg. It marked the begginning of violence in Russia. Georgy Gapon, led a strike, which led the people on strike, which the soilders shot. This took place at the orthodox church. This was known as Bloody Sunday.
  • Period: to

    Russian War

    Red army faced off against white army, to establish a government that worked, for the people. The white army won, and made a government that worked for Russia and its citizens. It was the Menshiviks, who opposed the bolshivik the majority of peasants on strike. Joseph Stalin was with the bolshiviks at the time.
  • March Revolution

    March Revolution
    The immediate result was the adbdication of Csar Nicholas the ll. Fuel shortages, and food shortages led to the revoultion, and made pesants angry with Csar and Government. Alexander Kernesky was made prime minister of the provisonal government after the abdication of the Csar.
  • October Revolution

    October Revolution
    The bolshiviks were heavaly supported by the soviets. Lenin and bolshiviks went to war. Vladimear Lenin described the bolshiviks as "vanguard of the proletariet". Okhrana was replaced after the revoulution, the Okrahana was something to maintain state sucurity, and supress revoultionary activities.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovisk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovisk
    The russians signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovisk to get out of World War 1, because of too many casualties, and they wanted to continue peacfuly with their own affairs.
  • USSR is formed

    USSR is formed
    Bolshiviks overthrew the provisinal government and created the USSR.