NIcholas II becomes Czar of Russia
After his dad, Alexander II became ill while in throne, Nicholas II took over being the Czar of Russia -
The Decembrist Revolt
This took place in Russia on December 26th, 1895. Russian military officers led around 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Nicholas 1's assumption to the throne. -
Social Democratic Labor Parties split
In 1898, the Labour parties slpit into the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. The Bolsheciks eventually become the Communist party of the Soviet Union. These two parties were formed to create a stronger government. -
The Revelution of 1905
The Revelution of 1905 was caused by a peaceful protest held on JAnuary 22nd. Led by Russian Priest, Father Gapon, 150,000 people took on the snow and winter cold of the streets of St. Petersburg to protest about their given lifestyle. There was not any intention of making it a political prtoest. They wanted Nicholas to help them. As they march to the Winter Palace, they were confronted by troops guarding the palace. Without any sign to fire their guns, they fire their guns, killing thousands. -
Russian Involvement in WWI
Russia entered WWI with the largest army in the world with 1,400,000 soldiers. Russia entered the war to protect the slavic interests and maintain their reputation as a world power. Germany then decalred war on Russia. The war was led by czar Nicholas II. The events did not go as planned, producing a loss for Russia. -
The March Revolution
The March Revolution is when workers went in strike demanding a 50% raise. The strike evelentually escelated into workers getting locked out of work, riots etc It got so bad that the police couldn't follow Nicholas' orders on how to control these strikes. -
Nicholas II Abdicates the Throne
Czar NIcholas II abdicates the throne because a new government has taken over in his place. In March 1917, the army garrison joined striking workers in demanding social reforms. Czar NIcholas II was forced to abdicate. -
Capture of the WInter Palace
The capture of the Winter Palace is known as Bloody SUnday. Hundreds to thousands of people storming up the the WInter PAlace. Im panic. Nicholas IIs guards began shooting at the crowd, thus beginning BLoody SUnday. -
Russian Civil War
This was a multi-party war that fought between the Bolshevik red and white army. This was to oppose Lenin's bolsheviks., This tore aprt Russia for three years. -
NIcholas II Execution
The family doctor, Dr., Eugene Botkin, was ordered to awaken the family around midnight. The family was ordered to put on clothes, thinking that the family would be moved to a safer location due to chaos in Yekaterinburg. They were then lead in a semi- basement room( cellar).The exacution squad of the secret police were coming in the room. Nicholas was told that his relastives are are attcking Soviet Russia, so they are here to exacute you. The family was all shot and bayoneted until dead. -
Vladimir and STalin become leaders of Soviet Union
When Stalin beome leader of the Soviet Union, he ruled in terror. MIllions of his citizens died during his brutal reign. Vladimir Lenin continued with Stalin to keep the communost state. Stalin stayed in office for nearky 30 years more than Vladimir did. -
STalin becomes leader of the Soviet Union
When Vladmir died in 1924 from a brain hemerage at the age of 54, Stalin tok over leader for the Soviet Union. Vladmir created the worlds first socialist state while Stalin is creating a communist state. -
Bloody Sunday
Unarmed and unhappy protesters led by Father Gropen, were marching towards the WInter Palace on this Janurary afternoon. They were there to present Nicholas II with a petition. When Winter Palace guards saw the 3,000 protesters charging towards the palace, the formed a line with guns raised and started shooting at inoocent protesters without any order to fire their guns, leaving almost 100 dead and hundreds injured. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates Smurfs
In 1861, Czar Alexander II emancipates the smurfs. SMurfs are peasents that work and/or live on landowners land. COincidently, four years later, slavery in the U.S. was going on. ALexander believed slavery was wrong, so emancipation of the smurfs took place immediatly.