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April, 1903
Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheviks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader. -
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February, 1904
Russia faced a series of crises -
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January 22, 1905
Bloody sunday 200,000 workers and their families approached czar's winter palace in st petersburg. They asking for better working conditions. Nicholas II’s generals ordered to fire on crown. 1000 were wounded and several 100 killed -
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May, 1906
Its leaders wants russia to become a constitutional monarchy similar to britain. But he is hesitant to share his powers. -
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March, 1917
Women went on strike in the next five days riots flared up over shortages of bread and fuel. Nearly 200,000 women ran through the streets. -
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November, 1917
Beer Hall Putsch Event
Series of financial events that would bring the nazis to new heights and help hitler take over germany -
Mein Kampf
he wrote this book while he was locked up in prison -
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August, 1914
Nicholas ii’s made a fateful decision to pull russia into wwi. Russia was unprepared and they weren't able to afford military costs.