Russian Project February 2020

  • Jan 1, 800

    Scandinavians Settle

    Scandinavians Settle
    Scandinavians and slavs decide to settle between the Volga and Dnieper rivers.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1200 to Jan 1, 1470

    Mongolians Puppet Kiev--Rule for over 200 years

    The Mongolians puppet Kiev, taking money and controlling political power that Kiev had, for over 200 years.
  • Jan 2, 1470

    Ivan (The Great) III

    Ivan (The Great) III
    Ivan "The Great" III rolled around and removed the Mongolians and began expanding modern-day russia.
  • Jan 1, 1530

    Ivan "The Terrible" IV

    Ivan "The Terrible" IV
    Ivan IV was the first Czar--supreme ruler--of russia, and was known for being a bad person, and massacred a town and allegedly beat his son to death.
  • Lower-class becomes enslaved

    Lower-class becomes enslaved
    The lower-class people become enslaved by the rich due to the lack of money that the "Peasants" had. They were payed just enough for them to exist, and it sure wasn't a good life.
  • Peter "The Great" I Reigns

    Peter "The Great" I Reigns
    Peter I begins his reign and expands russia, makes a new capital, eats the coast off of finland, and builds a city based upon the Western culture (the new capital(St. Petersburg)).
  • Period: to

    Czar Alexander II

    Czar Alexander II reigns, and it appears that the people want a new government, based more on Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. Alexander was later assassinated in 1881.
  • Bolsheviks Seize the Government in a coup d'etat

    Bolsheviks Seize the Government in a coup d'etat
    The Bolsheviks overthrow the government (coup d'etat) and make a new, communist government.
  • USSR

    USSR, a famous Communist Republic, reigned on from 1922 to 1991.
  • Period: to

    Soviet Union

    Timespan of USSR
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Joseph Stalin, a very notorious leader, was the leader of the USSR from 1922 to 1952, and ruled with a very tough ruleboard, and if broken, usually involved some sort of death from your neighbor or the government. But hey, look at that mighty fine hairstyle!
  • Cold war

    Cold war
    Cold war--the war that was never directly fought--was the most terrifying war of history. Everyone knew that if a missile was fired, the world in itself would end as a whole. (I'm using Styx as the picture since I love their song "Cold War") 1952-1991 (guess-estimate)
  • Gorbachev

    Mikhail Gorbachev was the leader who ended the USSR while also trying to save it. His objective was to switch to a market economy, which may or may not have caused the country to snap. Also he was found in a Pizza Hut commercial.