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Russian History Timeline

  • 800 BCE

    Scandinavian Warriors settle near rivers in russia

    Scandinavian Warriors (Varangians) & Slavs settle near Volga & Dnieper Rivers. Vikings began traveling east from Scandinavia into the land between the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea. These people
    began to settle along many rivers and live with the native Slavs. These settlements helped trade routes and cities develop. Over the years, the Vikings integrated with the Slavs and were eventually invited to govern them.
  • 1200

    mongols invade kiev- rule for over 200 years

    mongols invade kiev- rule for over 200 years
    The Siege of Kiev by the Mongols took place between 1237 and 1242 CE and resulted in Mongol victory. It was a military blow to Halych-Volhynia and allowed Batu Khan to proceed westward into Europe. The Mongols began to expand their power across the continent. The Battle of the Kalka River in 1223 initiated the first attempt of the Mongol forces to capture Kievan Rus'. It was a bloody battle that ended with the execution of Mstislav of Kiev executed the Kievan forces greatly weakened.
  • Peter l "The Great" came to power (late 1600s)

    Peter l "The Great" came to power (late 1600s)
    Peter the First's goal was to modernize Russia. To do this, he enlarged Russia's territory and built a stronger military to help empower the developing country. He also made trade partners with Western Europe and built a new capital, St. Petersburg or "Window to the West".
  • Czar Alexander ll: 1855-1881

    Czar Alexander ll: 1855-1881
    Czar Alexander the ll had a major impact on Russia while in rule before he was assassinated on March 13, 1881. He moved the Serfs to the cities and non-russians were prejudiced. He created Russification, which was where people were encouraged to speak Russian & follow Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Workers during his time of rule sought Socialism, which is the belief that calls for greater economic equality.
  • Bolsheviks seized control from Czar Nicholas ll

    Bolsheviks seized control from Czar Nicholas ll
    Bolsheviks were a revolutionary group that believed in communism and were led by Vladimir Lenin. Communism is the philosophy based on Karl Marx' ideas that called for the violent overthrow of of the government and a society led by warriors. Karl Marx believed in a "classless society", equal sharing of wealth, and public ownership of land.
  • Period: to

    Vladimir Lenin rule

    Lenin was head of soviet government from 1917-1924. He changed the soviet union into a one-party communist state. He also organized the death and prosecution of up to 140,000 people and many were members of high-class bourgeoisie.
  • Period: to

    Joseph Stalin rule

    Joseph Stalin governed Russia with an "Iron Fist" or ruthless control. He was felt so much power that he eliminated those who disagreed with policies. He also killed 20-25 million Russians by hunger and murder. Stalin defeated Hitler in WWll and demanded half of Europe after it.
  • Cold War- Post WWll (1945-1990)

    Cold War- Post WWll (1945-1990)
    The Cold war was between the Soviet Union/Communism and NATO/Democracy (US/Allies). It lasted 4 decades and was a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures of open warfare. There was geographical tension where both sides didn't directly attack each other, but popped up smaller nations in "proxy wars" (vietnam, korea, etc.).
  • Mikhail Gorbachev assumed power (1985-1991)

    Mikhail Gorbachev assumed power (1985-1991)
    Mikhail Gorbachev was formerly a Soviet politician and the eighth & last leader of the Soviet Union. He was the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and was very reform minded. He believed in Perestroika, which was the policy of economic restructuring and Glasnost, which was the policy of greater political openness.
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes 1st president

    Boris Yeltsin becomes 1st president
    Yeltsin is president from 1991-1999. Communism collapses and the Republicans declare independence. Russia's economy was also switched from command to market.
  • Vladimir Putin

    Vladimir Putin
    Putin became president of Russia in 1999 and is still president to this day. He stabilized the economy, joined NATO, and named successor Dmitry Medvedev. Putin changes the law everytime re-election comes around so that he will stay elected, and he has been in office for 20 years. He also appointed self "Prime Minister" in 2008, ran for 3rd term in 2011 and terms last for 6 years.