Russian History: End of Tsardom to Rise of Lenin

  • Revolution of 1905 and October Manifesto

    Revolution of 1905 and October Manifesto
    Mass and unrest against Tsar led by Father Gapon, resulting in Bloody Sunday. Which would force Tsar Nicholas II to pass the October Manifesto, creating the state Duma and multi-party system. Rationale: This picture was chosen as that it shows the events of Bloody Sunday and the unrest created by the Tsar.
  • Beginning of WWI

    Beginning of WWI
    WWI began on Jul. 28, 1914, and Russia enters WWI due to Austria-Hungary attacking Serbia, a Russian Ally. Rationale: This photo shows Lord Robert Baden-Powell inspecting British troops as they prepare for the beginning of the war and the changing times of Europe.
  • Tsar Nicholas II takes sole control of military operations

    Tsar Nicholas II takes sole control of military operations
    Tsar Nicholas II takes control of army away from home front. Leaves Tsarina in charge, resulting in public disillusion. Rationale: This photo shows Tsar Nicholas II planning Military action of the Russian military, which represents the total control the Tsar has enacted on the Russian troops in the war.
  • The Brusilov Offensive

    The Brusilov Offensive
    One of the most lethal offensives in history, this was a major push by the Russians to advance through Poland and attack the kingdom of Galicia in Austro-Hungary and southeast Germany. It ended on September 20th, 1916 after failures in command and low morale undermined the advancement. Rationale: This map depicts the reach of the advancement and shows how this was meant to pressure Germany into defending its position in the east.
  • Assassination of Rasputin

    Assassination of Rasputin
    Mystic Rasputin is killed by nobility. Mostly due to his influence over the royal family. Rationale: This picture is a newspaper article announcing the death of Rasputin. This picture was chosen as that it shows that he had a large amount of control over the Tsar and his wife from the view of the Russian public.
  • Provisional Government formed

    Provisional Government formed
    Provisional Government formed after the Tsar's abdication. Was made from the earlier State Duma, politically; ruled with Soviet (Dual Power). Rationale: This picture shows the first meeting of the provisional government. This picture was chosen as that it shows the historic event of the provisional government being granted power in Russia.
  • April Theses published

    April Theses published
    April Theses published by Lenin as to spread Bolshevik thought. While also criticizing the Mensheviks and other political opponents. Rationale: This picture shows Vladimir Lenin gathering his Bolshevik followers to announce the terms of the April Theses. This picture was chosen as that is shows the support that these terms have.
  • International Women's Day March in Petrograd

    International Women's Day March in Petrograd
    March on Petrograd due to working conditions of women, starting the Russian Revolution. (Also due to pressures of WWI) Rationale: This picture shows the amount of women who gathered in Petrograd to protest the working conditions of women in Russia. This shows that the working class of Russia are growing restless of the war and the pain it has caused them.
  • Nicholas II abdicates

    Nicholas II abdicates
    Tsar abdicates due to prior march on Petrograd by women workers. But support had waned since his departure for war years prior. Rationale: This picture is a newspaper article announcing the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, representing the wide spread coverage of the news.
  • Trotsky forms the Red Guards

    Trotsky forms the Red Guards
    Starting in mid-March and up to June, 24 Red Guard paramilitary groups were made to defend the cities they represented from attacks by the White Army. Most were factory workers on strike and were trained without quitting their jobs. Rationale: This picture shows an identification banner for the guard squadron and the armaments they had, perhaps for propaganda.
  • Return of Lenin from exile

    Return of Lenin from exile
    Lenin sent to Russia by Germans from exile. An attempt to have Lenin convince Russia to back down from WWI. Rationale: This picture shows the return of Vladimir Lenin. This picture was chosen as that it shows the popularity of Lenin and the Bolshevik party in Russia.
  • First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets

    First All-Russian Congress of Soviets meets
    Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries, and Bolsheviks meet (majority: Mensheviks). Rejection of Bolshevik proposal of removing Provisional Government's power. Rationale: This picture was chosen as that is shows the establishment of the Congress of Soviets.
  • The July Days

    The July Days
    The July Days were a four-day period of armed riots in Petrograd, which were quickly dispersed by Lenin's lack of support and the government sending troops against the demonstrators, killing many and arresting many more. This period ended on the 20th, only four days after. Rationale: the picture shows several people dead in the streets after the government forces put down the strikers as a show of the violence during the period.
  • Kornilov Affair

    Kornilov Affair
    The Kornilov Affair was an attempt by Lavr Kornilov to topple the provisional government and the Soviets by a military campaign on Petrograd. Kornilov's army was sabotaged and his troops gave up quickly, ending his revolution on August 30th, 1917. Rationale: This picture shows how Kornilov used his position as commander in chief of the armed forces to build a military force but how he only had so much power over the soldiers after dismissal.
  • Bolsheviks overthrow the provisional government

    Bolsheviks overthrow the provisional government
    Lenin and Trotsky effectively rally the Red Guard and Bolshevik revolutionaries, organizing an assault on November 6th to November 7th which removed the provisional government from power and besieged the winter palace. Rationale: pictures like this were used for propaganda and to show how Lenin as their leader would advance the constant state of revolution towards a communist utopia.
  • Formation of the Cheka

    Formation of the Cheka
    Following the October revolution, Lenin immediately institutes secret police and surveillance forces led by the Sovnarkom and Felix Dzerzhinsky to ensure that his regime is secured and to prevent counterrevolutionary propaganda. Used for grain seizures and putting down mutinies in the workforce and military. Rationale: this picture intentionally highlights the paramilitary and partisan status that the Cheka utilized to keep the people fearful of them.
  • Implementation of War Communism

    Implementation of War Communism
    Lenin takes an aggressive socialist approach towards economics and cracks down on private business, nationalizing industry and grain impacting peasants and farmers. Rationale: This picture shows the impact on the farm workers having so little and having their seed grain seized as well.
  • The Red Terror

    The Red Terror
    During the Civil war, Bolshevik repression and pacification reach an all-time high via the execution and attacks carried out by the Cheka to crush political dissent. It ended in February of 1922. Rationale: this picture shows how the people killed were seen as complacent with the rich people oppressing the workers as the banner reads "Death to the Bourgeoise and their lapdogs -- Long live the red terror"
  • Meet and Disbandment of the Constituent Assembly

    Meet and Disbandment of the Constituent Assembly
    Evolving loosely from the provisional government, the Bolsheviks ousted the government and disbanded the congress to consolidate soviet power. Rationale: this picture shows the attempted representation of the political parties in congress.
  • Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    In an effort to bring Russia towards Lenin's promise of Peace, Bread, and Land, Russia fulfills their peace with Europe and concedes massive amounts of land to Germany in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk to get themselves out of wartime. Rationale: This picture shows the peace discussions of the treaty and how both sides were able to negotiate unlike at Versailles.
  • Poles move Toward Kiev

    Poles move Toward Kiev
    The 1920 Kiev Offensive was a large part of the Polish plan during the Polish-Soviet war. Led to the defeat of the poles in the war and the loss of a lot of land for the Polish people. Rationale: This picture shows the poles marching towards the city of Kiev. This picture was chosen as that it shows first hand perspective of the advancement of the Poles.
  • Tambov Rebellion

    Tambov Rebellion
    1920-1921. One of the largest peasant rebellions against the Bolshevik government. To stop the grain reacquisition from the farmers. This helped lead to the creation of the NEP (New-Economic-Policy). Rationale: This painting shows a visualization of the Tambov Rebellion and the destruction caused from it.
  • Kolchak

    Alexander Kolchak was a White leader during the civil war after the November Revolution. Born in 1874 and became a admiral in the Russian Navy. Interrogated and killed on 2-2-1920. Rationale: This picture shows Alexander Kolchak preparing his troops for battle. This picture was chosen as that it shows the amount of troops preparing for the November revolution and the magnitude that this event will have on Russia.
  • Soviets Attempt to take Warsaw

    Soviets Attempt to take Warsaw
    Battle of Warsaw took place from the 12-15th of August 1920. Motivated by the previous victories in the war against Poland. Russia invaded Poland and approached Warsaw. Saw a Russian defeat and Lenin was forced to agree on peace terms. Rationale: This photo shows Russian forces getting ready to invade Poland. This photo was chosen as that it shows human aspect of the invasion
  • Kronstadt Uprising

    Kronstadt Uprising
    3-7-1921 - 3-7-1921. Rebellion of sailors in Kronstadt. Sailors demanded a change in policy and end of one party rule. Lenin scared by the rebellion ordered an army to crush the rebellion. Rationale: This photo shows members of the Kronstadt rebellion gathering under their flag. This photo was chosen as that it shows the support that the Kronstadt rebellion has.
  • Ending of Wartime Communism

    Ending of Wartime Communism
    Ended on 3-221-1921 after the Tambov and Krondstadt Rebellion. Brought in the NEP (New-Economic-Policy) into Russia. This brought more capitalist ideas into Lenin idea and more the Russian people and farmers happy. Rationale: This photo shows the Russian people gathering arms to show the unrest for war time communism in Russia.
  • Ukraine Brought Under Soviet Control

    Ukraine Brought Under Soviet Control
    Soviet-Ukrainian war started 11-8-17 and ended 11-17-1921 with a Bolshevik victory. During the following years Ukrainian nationalist would continue to wage war on Russia but failed to do anything relevant against Russia. Rationale: This photo shows the red army marching in and taking control of Ukraine and installing Communism.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    Agreement signed on 4-16-1922. It was between Germany and Soviet Russia. Negotiated by Russian Georgi Chcherin and Germanies Walther Rathenau. Goal was to better relations between the two countries. Rationale: This picture shows German Chancellor, Joseph Wirth meeting with Leonid Krasin, Georgi Chicherin and Adolf Joffe of Russia meeting to sign the treaty of Rapallo. This picture was chosen as that it shows the key figures of the agreement coming to terms when signing this important document.
  • Formation of Soviet Union

    Formation of Soviet Union
    12-30-1922 the USSR (United Socialist Soviet Republic) is officially formed. Was a one party state under the Bolshevik control. Led by Lenin until his death. Was a communist state. Rationale: This photo shows Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin meeting and forming the Soviet Union.
  • Lenin Dies

    Lenin Dies
    1-21-1924 Lenin dies after falling into a coma. In the last years of his life, Lenin was plagued with stroke destroying the functionality of his body. After his death, despite not liking Stalin, Stalin became his successor. Rationale: This photo shows dead Lenin and the preservation of his body.