History timeline

Russian History

  • 800

    The Land of Russia's Birth

    The Land of Russia's Birth
    The first known territory of Russia was formed in the west area of the Ural Mountains. Rivers where found here and allowed for boat travel. The first empire that came to Russia was known as the Byzantine empire. The people in this tribe spoke similar languages but had not political unity. In around the 800s a tribe today known as the Vikings settled in this area along with the Slavs.
  • 862

    The Salvs and Vikings

    The Salvs and Vikings
    The Salvs invited the Vikings Chief Rurik to become king and in 862 he founded Novgorod. Novgorod became Russia's most important city. Around 880 the Vikings moved to Kiev so they could sail and trade easier. The Slavic subjects became slaves and the Vikings would sell them. The Vikings eventually intermarried the Salvs and there culture became intertwined. Then the line between the Salvs and Vikings vanished. In 957 the majority of the city Kievs population became Christian.
  • 1019

    Kievan Russia

    Kievan Russia
    Due to the ties Kiev had with Byzantine Kiev grew to become a highly educated society. Kiev started to become the most powerful with their leader Vladimir guiding the way. He extended this territory into Poland and to just about the Baltic Sea. In 1019 Vladimir's son Yaroslav the wise came to throne and led Kiev to a great victory.
  • 1227

    Kievs Decline

    Kievs Decline
    Yaroslavs death prompted the start of the Kievs Decline. The error that was made was when Yaroslav divided his empire between his sons instead of what is done usually, giving the empire to the oldest son. The sons where fighting for the best territory and so the states where divided, this pass down continued and each year saw new struggles. When the Mongol's arrived they where known for their savage killing. They took over Kiev and then ruled over most of Russia..
  • 1240

    Mongol Rule in Russia

    Mongol Rule in Russia
    When the Russians where conquered they where allowed to continue practicing their culture as ling as it was not seen as rebellion. The Mongols only demanded two things from the Russians slavish obedience and massive amounts of tribute. The Mongol rule would isolate Russia from all of the other countries. This would eliminate them to be able to experience different cultures.
  • 1320

    Mongol Rule in Russia

    Mongol Rule in Russia
    The Mongol rule helped to unite Russia. The Mongols looked to the Russia as their unified empire as long as the Russians paid their tribute. The opportunity for the Mongols to expand would not arise until the 14th century. Prince Ivan I had earned the trust of the Mongols and became the tax collector. He became the most powerful prince of Russia
  • 1480

    An empire emerges

    An empire emerges
    During Ivan III empire he formed the first empire. In 1480 Ivan broke ties with the Mongols.