Jan 1, 1200
MongolsThe Mongols invaded all of Russia except for Moscow. They isolated Russia from the Renaissance time period. They ruled until 1400. -
Jan 16, 1547
Ivan IV (a.k.a. Ivan the terrible)
Ivan the terrible was a very harsh ruler, killing anyone who opposed him. He was liked by nobality but not by common person. He also moved the Eastern Orthodox Headquarters to Moscow, strengthed the power of the throne, and comissioned the building of St. Basils Cathedral. -
Peter the Great
Peter the Great becomes czar and is well liked by his people although the Russian nobality disliked him because he gave freedom to the lower classes. He also toured Europe and brought back modernization and moved the capital to St. Petersburg, which he named after himself. -
[Napoleon](- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Napoleon_Bonaparte.jpg), from France, invaded Russia with 60,000 men. But the Russians fight back, so Napoleon leaves with less then 10,000 men. -
Czar Alexander II
Alexander II built railroads and modernized banking system. This is the time that czars started to loose support, causing Alexander II to be killed by a terroroist bomb. -
Czar Alexander III
Faberge Egg Czar Alexander III ordered the first faberge egg for his wife Czarina Maria. -
Czar Nicholas II
Nicholas II reluctantly became czar at age 26. He was not very liked at all, even after all his efforts to make a better Russia. In the end, he and his family were killed under house arrest. -
Trans-Siberian Railroad
[The Trans-Siberian Railroad](- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Trans-Siberian_Railway_-_1990._Outside_Perm_Station..jpg) was complete and was 4,500 mi. long and it was an architectural feat because it was hot friction on cold, wet snow. -
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) was established and lead by Lenin for two years until he died of stroke. -
Berlin USSR took over Berlin, Germany but then spilt it into to forming East Germany, communist, and West Germany, democratic -
President of Communist Party
The leader of the communist party: Mikhail Gorbachev was elected president. He opened USSR politically, socially, and economically. -
Period: to
Russian History