Apr 10, 600
Slavic settlements of the 600s
Slavic settlement of the Eastern Alps region was a historic process that took place between the 6th and 9th century AD, having culminated in the final quarter of the 6th century. During this period, the Eastern Alps, comprising the area of modern Slovenia and large parts of modern Austria were settled by Slavic tribes. This settlement meant the beginning of the ethnogenesis of the Slovene people. http://www.education.com/study-help/article/ancient-history-europe-slavic-people/ -
Jan 1, 1223
Mongol Invasion
Kievan Rus was destroyed by the arrival of a new invader--the Mongols. Batu Khan launched an invasion into Kievan Rus from his capital on the lower Volga. The Mongols destroyed all of the major cities of Kievan Rus. http://www.shsu.edu/~his_ncp/Kievan.html -
Jan 1, 1303
The Rise of Muscovy
Muscovy drew people of wealth to northeatern part of Kievan Rus. He established trade routes to the Baltic Sea, White Sea, Caspian Sea and to Siberia. Created a centralized poltical system. Had high impact on Russian society. http://www.shsu.edu/~his_ncp/Muscovy.html -
Mar 27, 1462
Ivan the Great
Was the Grand Prince of Moscow (1462-1505). Subdued most of the Russian land by conquest and laid out the foundations of a centralized Russian State. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/298142/Ivan-III -
Jan 1, 1533
Ivan the Terrible
He introduced self-government in rural regions, reformed tax collection, and instituted statutory law and church reform. He aimed to conquer all remaining independent regions and create a larger, more centralized Russia. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/298154/Ivan-IV -
Time of Troubles
Period of political crisis in Russia that followed the demise of the Rurik dynasty (1598) and ended with the establishment of the Romanov dynasty (1613). http://russiapedia.rt.com/russian-history/here-come-the-romanovs/ -
Beginning of the Romanov Dynasty
The Romanov Dynasty (1613 to 1917) was the last imperial dynasty to rule Russia. During the Romanov reign Russia became and remained a major European power. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/508643/Romanov-Dynasty -
Peter the Great
In 1682 Peter was proclaimed Tsar at the age of 10. Forced to rule jointly with his brother Ivan, under the patronage of their sister Sofia. Peter opened Russia to the influences of the West to modernize Russia. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/peter_the_great.htm -
Catherine the Great
The most renowned and the longest-ruling female leader of Russia. Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst was born on 2 May 1729 in Stettin. In 1745, after being received into the Russian Orthodox Church, and changing her name to Catherine, she married Grand Duke Peter, heir to the Russian throne. http://www.nndb.com/people/575/000078341/ -
The Communist Manifesto- Karl Marx
The Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx. It was about communism.. He was one of the most influential socialist thinker to emerge in the 19th century. His work gained more attention after his death in 1883. http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/marx.html -
Russification Policies
Russification was designed to take the sting out of those who wanted to reform Russia and to bind all the Russian people around one person, the tsar. First formulated in 1770 by Uvarov. Russification was the name given to a policy of Alexander III. http://gdc.gale.com/archivesunbound/archives-unbound-alexander-iii-and-the-policy-of-russification-18831886/ -
The Bolsheviks (Communist Party)
Their leader was Vladimir Lenin. They financed their work by party supported robberies. Lenin set up a set of beliefs that would appeal to the working class. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/bolsheviks.htm -
The Russo-Japanese War
Began with the Japanese naval attack on Port Arthur. Russia did not expect the Japanese to go to war. Japan and Russia to develop 'spheres of influence' in the Far East. http://www.russojapanesewar.com/intro.html -
1905 Revolution
he 1905 Revolution was an uprising of the people of Russia calling for a change in their government. It was started by anxious troops opening fire on peaceful marchers in St. Petersburg on January 9, 1905, a date which has since been called "Bloody Sunday." Tsar Nicholas II, after struggling to regain control of the nation for almost a year, found peace by creating the October Manifesto. http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/1905_russian_revolution.htm -
World War 1
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Bosnia. ermany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire (Central Powers) against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and Japan (the Allied Powers). By the time World War I ended in the defeat of the Central Powers in November 1918. http://history1900s.about.com/od/worldwari/p/World-War-I.htm -
March 1917
Demonstrators clamoring for bread took to the streets of the Russian capital of Petrograd. The First World War placed an unbearable strain on Russia's weak government and economy, resulting in mass shortages and hunger. The Tsars were forced abication out of the throne. http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/russian-czar-abdicates -
October 1917
Russian Revolution caused that overthrew Tsar Nicholas II, was removed and replaced by the first Soviet government headed by Vladimir Lenin. Revolution began in Petrograd, then the capital of Russia, and quickly spread to the rest of the country. http://www.soviethistory.org/index.php?page=subject&SubjectID=191 -
Adoption of Eastern Orthodoxy
The removal of empire's captial from Rome to Constantinople. Constantinople's mission was to introduce Christianity to an area called Kievan Rus. Greek Missionaries from Byzantium in the 9 century. Vladmir I, prince of Kiev, led Kievan rus to Christianity.
http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~mes/russia/moscow/history.html -
Kievan Rus
A powerful East Slavic state dominated by the city of Kiev. The empire is traditionally seen as the beginning of Russia and the ancestor of Belarus and Ukraine. http://www.shsu.edu/~his_ncp/Kievan.html