Decembrist Revolt
Decembrist Revolt started with a group of nobels protesting against Nicholas II. They were protesting for things like more freedom. It showed that the people's loyalty was growing thin. -
Nicholas II becomes Czar of Russia
Czar Nicholas II inherited the throne from his father when he died. THis is significant becuase it started a new era in the Russian country. -
Russian Japanese War
Russian and Japan go to war over the control of a resource rich piece of land. This is significant because Russia looses and it shows them as weak and loosing power. This also lead to more distrist the leader Nicholas II. -
Bloody Sunday
Bloody Sunday started with a peaceful protest from the farmers and workers of Russia. They wanted more freedom and the right to vote so they went directly to the Czar's palace but the chief of security at the palace wanted them to go away so they killed many of the protesters. This is significant because it makes many Russian people distrust Nicholas II giving him even less power and Nicholas gains the nick name "Bloody Nicholas". -
Russian Involvement in WW1
Russian leads the largest fully mobilized army of 5 million into battle against Germany during WW1. Russia's involvement in WW1 was significant because it left the country in a catastrofic state with many men dead or wounded and the economy in shambles. -
Russian Revolution
This is when the russian army and poliece join the striking workers for more freedom this is signifagant because it leads to almost no power in the hands of the czar leading to the abdocasy of the throne. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the throme
Caused by the Russian revolution the czar is left with virtualy no power and abdicates the throne to try and satisfy the people and this is signifagent because it leaves the Russian people to basicly run the country alone and power falls to the Bolshavics and Menshavics. -
The Russian civil war begins
With the Menshavics and Bolshavics fighting for power a civil war breaks out within russia this is significant becuase the war decides which party power goes to but it leaves Russia in ruins and Russia had to give up some land and it leaves 6 million dead. -
Creation of USSR
After the Russian Revolution, the Union of Soviet socialist Repulics is created. The formation of the USSR is significant becuase it grew to be one of the world's most powerful countries and it successfully led Russia for a long time. -
Vladimir Lenin's Death
Vladimir Lenon was the leader of the Bolshevik party who pushed to create the USSR. He became the first leader of the USSR.