The Decembrist Revolt
A group of nobles decided to overthrow the government in hopes of making a constitutional monarchy. Five leaders were killed, and and Nicholas I sent everyone else to siberia. -
Czar Alexander II emancipates the serfs
Serfs were finally able to be free, and do what they want. Serfs were able to own businesses and did not have to work as peasants and survants anymore. They were also able to own land too, -
Nicholas II becomes czar of Russia
Nicholas became the czar after his father, Alexander III, died. Nicholas did not feel like he was ready to be czar, and didn't know how to rule. He did, however, marry a german princess named Alix. He also had three daughters, and a son, who was the heir the the throne. -
Bloody Sunday
Nicholas II was becoming more unlawful and people began to get desprate and angry. Priest Gapon led workers to St. Petersburg, to ask for freedoms. This resulted in many people dieing, and the people rioting. -
The Russo-Japanese war
Russia and Japan had problems with who controled Manchuria. Russia took over a part of Manchuria, and finally, the Japanese took action in 1904. After the battle was over, Japan had lost about 41,000 soldiers, and Russia lost 60,000. -
The Revolution of 1905
After Bloody Sunday, Russians everywhere went on strikes and riots. Since there was so much chaos and violence, the czar decided to give in, and give them what they wanted. The Reforms, however, did not solve Russia's problems though. -
The Social/Democratic party splits into the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks.
The new government was powerless against the war against Germany. So, They split the Social/Democratic party into two. They needed something to help lead the recolution, and soon the bolsheviks came to power. -
The March Revolution
Riots and strikes, much like those of Bloody Sunday, broke out in the Russian capital. They all protested about not having enough food, and soldiers not having any supplies. All of this led to Nicholas II abdicating the throne. -
NIcholas II Abdicates throne
Alexander Kerensky becomes leader of the provisional government
Kerensky became leader of the provisional government when Nicholas II Abdicated the throne, to have order. -
Lenin and Bolsheviks capture the winter palace
Lenin and the Bolsheviks had attacked the winter palace, and successfully captured it. -
The Russian Civil War
The Russian civil war was fought between the red, and white army. This was all led by Lenin and Stalin. -
Nicholas II is Executed along with his family
After Nicholas II abdicated the throne, he was basically a prisoner. Him and his family were going to take a "picture" that actually led to their death. -
Lenin dies and Stalin becomes leader.
When Lenin died in 1953, Stalin steps up to take the throne. Stalin had secret police that would watch for anyone that spoke bad about the government, and would send them to jail, or kill them. -
Stalin and Hitler signed a nonaggression pact, that basically means that Hitler will not attack Russia if they do not stand in their way. Stalin could also gain territory over this pact too. This all changed when Hitler had turned on Stalin.