Russian Bombing

  • Atomic bomb testing

    The Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb in 1949. They tested it in Kazakhstan. This scared the U.S because we thought that they would not develop a atomic bomb so quickly and effieciently.
  • Communist Takeover

    Communist Mao Zedong takes control of China and establishes the People's Republic of China. He took over China nad became allies with them for the war.
  • McCarthy and Communism

    Joe McCarthy began a Communist hunt and loyalty tests. This was the time when people had to keep to themselves and not make themselves or their family seem suspicious. You did not want to be questioned if you were a communist because it could cost you your life and family.
  • Truman approved H-bomb development

    Truman approved the development of the H-bomb and started supporting the new findings on it. The H-bomb was found to be hundreds of more times more powerful than atomic bombs. This was needed to be able to keep the advantage over their enemies.
  • Korean war begins

    75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People's Army went to the border of Soviet-backed Democratic people and the Pro-Western Republic of Korea.
  • Truman fires MacArthur

    Truman fired MacArthur because he overstepped President Truman's authority. MacArthur put Truman in a situation he did not want to be in because MacArthur made it very difficult for Truman to not get us involved in maybe a World War lll.
  • A- bombs are developed by Britain

    Britain developed its own atom bomb to remain a great power and avoid complete dependence on the United States, which was refusing to share atomic information.
  • Korean War ends

    The Korean war ended. North Korea, China, and the United States signed an armistice agreement. South Korea, however, objected to the continued division of Korea and did not agree to the armistice or sign a formal peace treaty. So while the fighting ended, technically the war never did.
  • H-bomb Castle-Bravo test

    Some people died in this test due to health effects and radiation poisoning,
  • Warsaw Pact formed

    The Warsaw Pact was created in reaction to the integration of West Germany into NATO. The Warsaw Pact was established as a balance of power or counterweight to NATO