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Russian Away From Your Commie Bolshevik

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    Big 3 at Yalta*

    Three important heads of government from the United States, Britain, and the Soviet union met for a conference in the Crimea of the Russian resort town, Yalta. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt held the meeting in order to discuss decisions regarding the progress of World War II and the postwar world.
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  • Cold War Starts

    Cold War Starts
    The less than peaceful war between the United States and the Soviet Union, concerning their differences in government structure; Capitalism vs. Communism.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    The Soviet Union decided to close in the capitalist owned West side of Berlin, by blocking exit and entrance ways such as roads, railways, and canals.
  • Berlin Airlift*

    Berlin Airlift*
    The USSR had desired to limit the US, Britain, and France
    access to West Berlin. It was concluded that the people of the city were going to starve in result of the Berlin Blockade. So in response, the United States and Britain began to provide food and supplies by carrier package drops, to the suffering city of West Berlin: Whom were being blocked in by the Soviet Union. Planes flew over the city dropping food, fuel, and other supplies for the people. The US reputation increased, USSR dropped.
  • Berlin Airlift Stops

    Berlin Airlift Stops
    The Soviet Union's plan to starve out the people of West Berlin was concluded to be unsuccessful. So after 327 days, the constant care packages being dropped from US and Britain aircraft ceased.
  • Soviet Union Tests Atomic Bomb*

    Soviet Union Tests Atomic Bomb*
    In response to the US possessing nuclear weaponry, the USSR successfully tested their first atomic bomb. The nuke recieved the code name “First Lightning.” and was detonated at a remote test site at Semipalatinsk in Kazakhstan. This leveled the playing field between the two countries and only increased the dangers and potential world destruction.
  • H Bomb in H20*

    H Bomb in H20*
    After detonating two nukes in Japan, the US texted a hydrogen bomb in the Pacific. The underwater atomic bomb detonation was known as the hydrogen bomb over Bikini Atoll. It was one of the first tests of the Pacific Proving Grounds after the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, along with the "Baker " shot.
  • Eisenhower Elected President

    Eisenhower Elected President
    Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower won the US presidential election of 1952 and became the 34th President.
  • Stalin Dies*

    Stalin Dies*
    Due to a cerebral hemorrhage, 73 year-old Joseph Stalin, died an early spring night. The death of the Soviet Union's tyrant leader was a significant turning point in the war. The concerns of anymore cruel orders given or carried out by wicked Stalin were lifted and a new ruler was set in line to take over.
  • Khrushchev Becomes Soviet Premier

    Khrushchev Becomes Soviet Premier
    After Stalin's death in 1953, close associate Nikita Khrushchev became the Soviet Union's new Premier.
  • Warsaw Pact Formed*

    Warsaw Pact Formed*
    In response to the NATO, communist nations in eastern Europe formed a military alliance. The Warsaw Pact included East Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union. The allegiance served as a match in alliance with other countries to go neck and neck with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Eisenhower Re-elected

    Eisenhower Re-elected
    Eisenhower was re-elected as the US president in the fall of 1956.
  • Explorer I Launched

    Explorer I Launched
    The first American satellite known as Explorer I was launched.
  • NASA Created*

    NASA Created*
    In response to The USSR launching their first satellite, Sputnik I, U.S. Congress passed legislation to have NASA established. Also known as National Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA was a civilian agency responsible for coordinating America’s activities in space. NASA has since sponsored space expeditions, both human and mechanical.
  • U-2 Incident*

    U-2 Incident*
    The US had requested that both the Soviet Union and themselves could fly through either of their countries' air space, but the USSR refused. However under the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower and the premiership of Nikita Khrushchev, America had flown a U-2 in Soviet air disregarding the USSR wishes. In retaliation Khrushchev had the aircraft shot down.
  • Kennedy Elected

    Kennedy Elected
    In the fall of 1960, young catholic John F. Kennedy was elected United States President.
  • Bay of Pigs*

    Bay of Pigs*
    The US had trained foreigners and equipped them for battle against Fascist governed Cuba, similar to communism. The mission was known as the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Because of America's lack of promised air support, the soldiers were taken out and the military invasion of Cuba failed.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Soviets built a barbed wire and concrete wall between East and West Berlin, in order to separate the two areas with different forms of government.
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    The Cuban Missile Crisis*

    The US became very intimidated and concerned when they discovered that the USSR was setting up silos and distributing nukes in Cuba. So much so that the US sent out ships to intersect with the Soviet ships that were caring the weaponry to Cuba. Kennedy uses the act of brinkmanship, threatening detonation so far until the enemy cracks, to cease USSR attempt of setting up atomic bombs so close to America.
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  • Assassination of President JFK

    Assassination of President JFK
    As President John F. Kennedy rode down Dealey Plaza he was shot in his motorcade and killed.