Russian and Mexican Revolution

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    A group of workers led by the radical priest Georgy Apollonovich Gapon marched to the czar's Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to make their demands.
  • Plan of San Luis

    Plan of San Luis
    Francisco I. Madero writes "Plan of San Luis" in San Antonio, Texas, calling for all Mexicans to rise up against the dictator on November 20, 1910
  • Uprising of villagers in Morelos

    Uprising of villagers in Morelos
    Emiliano Zapata leads uprising of villagers in Morelos for land and water rights. Simultaneously armed revolts begin in other parts of Mexico.
  • New president in Mexico

    New president in Mexico
    Francisco I. Madero elected as new president in Mexico
  • Death of Francisco I. Madero

    Death of Francisco I. Madero
    President Madero and Vice President Pino Suárez are shot to death. Huerta declares himself President of Mexico.
  • Villa occupied Zacatecas

    Villa occupied Zacatecas
    Zacatecas captured by Villa's "División del Norte"
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War
    By Austria-Hungary on Serbia, begins the first World War.
  • Pancho Villa sacks

    Pancho Villa sacks
    Pancho Villa sacks Columbus, New Mexico in retaliation for the United States' recognition of his enemy Carranza. Eight U.S. soldiers and 10 U.S. civilians killed.
  • The Mensheviks

    The Mensheviks
    Call for nation-wide revolution in Russia
  • The Kornilov Affair

    The Kornilov Affair
    General Lavr Kornilov attempts to seize control of power from the Provisional Government in what is deemed the Kornilov Affair
  • Constitution of 1917

    Constitution of 1917
    Mexico adopts the Constitution of 1917, claiming rights over the subsoil, instituting new regulations to benefit organized labor and decreeing sanctions against the Catholic Church.
  • The February Revolution

    The February Revolution
    The February Revolution begins in Saint Petersburg on International Women's Day and the Provisional Government is established as the ruling administrative power in the empire
  • Order's of the Tzar

    Order's of the Tzar
    The Tsar orders the use of violence to quell civil unrest
  • Petrograd Soviet

    Petrograd Soviet
    Soldiers mutiny against the government and the Petrograd Soviet is formed
  • The abdicate

    The abdicate
    Tsar Nicholas II abdicates the throne
  • April Theses

    April Theses
    Lenin publishes his April Theses condemning the Provisional Government for its incapacity to call an end to the "imperialist" war that Russia found itself in and calls for further revolution in Russia
  • Bolshevik take control of the Provisional Government

    Bolshevik take control of the Provisional Government
    Bolshevik revolutionaries storm the Winter Palace and seize control of power from the Provisional Government
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    The Russian Civil War rages until the Bolsheviks consolidate power, forming the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on December 30, 1922
  • The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is signed, withdrawing Russia from the First World War, ceding much of the former territory of the Russian Empire
  • Zapata death

    Zapata death
    Zapata slain in ambush.
  • Obregón for presidency

    Obregón for presidency
    Obregón announces his campaign for the presidency.
  • Carranza death

    Carranza death
    Carranza murdered.
  • Obregón became president

    Obregón became president
    Obregón sworn in as President. The Revolution is over.
  • Bibliography

    Hispanic Reading Room. (u.d.) Basic Timeline for the Mexican Revolution. Recovered from:
    Havighurst Center Russian and Post-Soviet Studies. (u.d.) Timeline of the 1917 Russian Revolution. Recovered from: