Russia Timeline

  • Start of Russian Civil War

    Start of Russian Civil War
    This war would last for over 3 years tearing up Russia piece by piece. This war started because half of the russians took after an idea was produced by Lenin's Bolsheviks (these were called the Reds) and the other half of Russians who did not agree were called the Whites. These two groups then fought against each other.
  • Period: to

    Russian Timeline

  • Russia takes power over Ukraine

    Russia takes power over Ukraine
  • Union treaty formally joins Russia

    Union treaty formally joins Russia
    In post-revolutionary Russia, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is established, comprising a confederation of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Federation. Also known as the Soviet Union, the new communist state was the successor to the Russian Empire and the first country in the world to be based on Marxist socialism.
  • End of Russian Civil War

    End of Russian Civil War
    By the end of the Russian Civil War, more than 15,000,000 had been killed or died. This was a rough time for Russia and they lost half of the population. They could not fight any longer.
  • Lenin dies, Stalin rises to power

    Lenin dies, Stalin rises to power
    The leader Lenin died from a series of strokes
  • Lenin's economic policy gets cut

    Lenin's economic policy gets cut
    Stalin abandoned Lenin's economic policy and installed a system of central planning, which dictated everything from where factories should be built to how farmers should plant their crops.Stalin introduced a policy of collectivization, under which were created governmentally owned and operated farms in which peasants pooled their lands.
  • Stalin Messes With System

    Stalin Messes With System
    created the Central Purge Commission, which publicly investigated and tried members of the Communist Party for treason. 700,000 were executed and 2.5 million soviet citizens were arrested because of this
  • Stalin's main advisor was assassinated.

    Stalin's main advisor was assassinated.
    Stalin's main advisor Sergei Kirov was assassinated prompting stalin to begin the "great Purge" of the communist party.
  • A large-scale purge of non Communism

    A large-scale purge of non Communism
    Announcement of the discovery of a plot against Stalin's regime headed by Leon Trotsky ushers in a large-scale purge in which thousands of alleged dissidents in the armed forces, the Communist Party and the government were sentenced to death or long imprisonment
  • Stalin and Hitler

    Stalin and Hitler
    sign a non-aggression pact including the partition of Poland (and assigns the Baltic states to the Soviet Union)