Boris Yeltsin promotes Putin to prime Minister after he dismisses his current one
Yeltsin unexpectedly resigns and Putin becomes acting president to take his place
Putin announces a new security doctrine over nuclear war
He says that Russia may use Nuclear weapons first in time of war -
Putin elected the head of the 10 nation commonwealth
Russian presidential election won by Putin
The Kursk explosion
Very influential military accident which lead to Putin controlling much of the media in Russia -
Putin makes claim that Russia should bring back the soviet national anthem and the Czarist flag
Putin Signs friendship treaty with China
All television stations are under direct control of the government
Putin announces a large nuclear war demostration in February
Has speech saying that the Fall of the Soviet Union was a national tragedy
Putin elected for a second term
The Beslan Massacre
Proposed not having elections for the governers of the 89 regions.
Instead Putin would appoint who he wanted to have maintain a political role. -
Protest throughout Russia over Putins policy giving himsel the abilty to appoint governers.
Andrei Illarinov retires
He says that Putin is turning Russia into a dictatorship, primariy with the state takevers of key industries -
Putin cuts supply of natural gas to Ukraine
This shows Putin's ability to use his natural resources as way of manipulating other countries. -
Putin makes announcement of arms increase
Putin wants to increase his military power in order to keep up with United States -
Putin makes threat
When the United states build the Nuclear defense shield, Putin threatens to aim his missles at Europe if the Nuclear defense shield moves ahead -
Gorbachev speaks of his concern about Putin
He thinks that Putin will bring Russia back to the old ways of the Soviet Union -
Dmitry Medvedev wins elections in Russia.
Putin is made the prime minister directly after Dmitry takes presidency. -
The Counter Terrorism operation in Chechnya officialy ends
Putin is re-elected president for a fourth term