The Great Northern War
Sweden ruled by 15 year old Charles xll beat Peter the Greats army during this war. -
The Decembrist Revolt
Group of miltay offials staged a revolt against Tsar Nicholas 1. -
. Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
Alexandar the 2 freed all the serfs but on the other end they pretty much gave all there moeny they made to taxes. -
The Assassination of Alexander II
Alexander 2 was killed in 1881 in the winter plalace in St.Petersburg. -
The Russo-Japanese War
The Treaty of Portsmouth formally ended the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–05. -
Bloody Sunday
The 1905 Russian Revolution was sparked off by a peaceful protest held on January 22nd. There was 150,000 people there and then gun shots were fired and a lot of people were killed and blood was everywhere in the cold snow. -
The Revolution of 1905
The 1905 Revolution was an uprising of the people of Russia calling for a change in their government so after the shooting the whole Russian commuity went crazy and started up riots. -
World War I (Russian Involvement)
Russia was the biggest army in the war with 5,000,000 soldiers and the war was agaisnt Germany. -
The March Revolution
The March Revoltion began with rioting and strikes in St. Petersburg. The rest were most from food shortages in the city, which were caused by the wider problems of a worsening economy and repeated failures on the battlefields of World War I. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian Throne
Czar Nichoals 2 ruler of Russia since 1894 is forced to abicate the throne after strikes and revolts.