Russia Ten Event Timeline

  • Battle of Leningrad

    Battle of Leningrad
    This is when operation Bustard was put into effect.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    A successful Soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad and it ended in a German catasrophe.
  • Operation Uranus

    Operation Uranus
    An offensive designed to isolate and destroy the German's 6th army at Stalingrad.
  • Operation Bagration

    Operation Bagration
    The codename for the Soviet 1944 Belorussian Strategic Offensive Operation during World War II.
  • Soviets take Bobruysk

    Soviets take Bobruysk
    The Soviet 3rd army broke through in the north of the sector, trapping the German XXXV Corps against the Berezina.
  • Russia captures Lithuania

    Russia captures Lithuania
    Lithuania is captured by Soviet Union brown troops.
  • russia gains Poznan

    russia gains Poznan
    Pozan falls to the soviet army after defending German troops surrender.
  • Russia gains the Berlin suburbs

    Russia gains the Berlin suburbs
    Berlin suburbs gradually fall under Soviet rule as fighting continues to rage on.
  • Berlin surrenders

    Berlin surrenders
    Berlin fomally surrenders to Soviet legions and Western Allies.
  • War in russia ends

    War in russia ends
    War ends in Russia and this day is formally announced as VE day.