Russia Review

  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Tsar ordered troops to kill the peaceful march on his palace.
  • Revolution of 1905

    Revolution of 1905
    Creation of DUMA and after Bloody Sunday
  • Russia enters WWI

    Russia enters WWI
    Russia enters after Germany declares war on them
  • Lenin takes power

    Lenin takes power
    Makes Russia a Communist Country and gets rid of the Tsar
  • March Revolution begins

    March Revolution begins
    The people rebel against the goverment
  • Nicholas II abdicates the throne

    Nicholas II abdicates the throne
    He steps down from the throne so no one is in charge as of right now
  • Lenin returns from exile in Germany

    Lenin returns from exile in Germany
    Returns to start the Bolshevik take over
  • Creation of Duma

    Creation of Duma
    First legislature in Russia.
  • Russia pulls out of WWI

    Russia pulls out of WWI
    The people wanted to pull out but didnt but the czar pulled the troops out and later stepped down and Lenin came to power.
  • Assination of Romanov Family

    Assination of Romanov Family
    Ended the reign of Tsar.