Alexander I
Alexander was open to liberal ideas. He became part of the czar. Alexander had drawn back from the reform when napoleon invaded Russia in 1812. "Czars joined the conservstion powers in opposing liberal and Nationalist impulses "(textbook page 585). -
Nicholas I
He became new czar." He suppressed the Decembrists and cracked down all the dissent. Many Russians with liberal or revolutionary ideas were judged to be insane and shut up in mental hospitals. Up to 150,000 others were exiled to Serbia "(textbook page 585).Nicholas banned books from eastern Europe that he thought might spread liberal ideas. He issued a new law code and he also made econimic reforms. He tried lmiting the powers of others, but couldn't change the system of czar ... -
Nicholas I
Before he died he told his son that he was handing him commant of the country in a poor state. -
Alexander II
He issued a royal decree that required freeing the serfs. Former serfs had to buy the land that they had been working on for a while, but they didn't have money to do so. Also lands were too small for the peasants to do their farm work, or support their families. Many peasants moved to the cities workinmg in factories and building Russian industries. His reforms failed. Peasants remained poor. -
Alexander III
Son of Alexander II. Went with Nicholas I's harsh methods. Alexander insisted on one language(Russian)and one church(Russian Orthodox Church). Poles, Ukrainians, Finns, Armenians, and many others were prosicuted. The persecution of Russian Jews Increased. Police didn't do anything to stop the violence. Because of the russian persecution, many Jews moved to the US. Jewish went through prejudice and harship in the US , but sent news back to Russia. Saying there is no czar in america. -
Nicholas II
Son of Alexander III. Under him and his father, Russia entered the industrial age.The drive to industrialize increased political and social problems, The higher class such as the government and buisiness leader encouraged the economic growth. Nobles and peasants opposed it.Peasants moved to cities in search of better jobs in factories. And in 1904 Russia went to war with Japan. Nicholas II called people to fight for "the faith, and the Fatherland " But suffered a humiliation by loosing. -
Bloody Sunday
"a peaceful march". "Workers went on a strike with demands for shorter hours and better wages"(textbook page 589). It ended up being a deadly march."the czar had fled out the placeand called in soilders. As the people approached, they saw troops lined up across the square. Suddenly, gunfire rang out"(textbook page 589). This marked the turning point of the Russians. Because of " Bloody Sunday " people no longer had faith and trust in the czar. -
The Revolution of 1905
"Discontent exploded across Russia. In some cities, workers took over local government. In the countryside, peasnts revolted and demanded land. Minority nationalists called for autonomy from Russia. Terrorists targeted officials, and some assassins were cheered by heroes by diconected Russians"(textbook page 589). Nicholas was forced to say the sweeping reforms. He agreed to elect National Legislature. "The Manifesto won over moderates, leaving socialists isolated... -
The Revolution of 1905
These divisions helped the czar, who had no intention of letting strikers, revolutionaries, and rebellious peasants challenge him"(textbook page 589). Nicholas appointed Peter Stolypian as new prime minister. By 1914, Russia was still an autoccracy.