Period: to
Russia time line
Alexander 1
Alexander 1 inherited the throne in 1801.He seemed open about liberal ideas , like freeing the serfs, but changed his mind in 1812 when napoleon started to invade russia. He promoted education. -
Decembrist revolt
The Decembrist revolt was led by army officers when Alexander 1 died. Nicholas banned books that had liberal ideas. People with liberal ideas were sent to mental hospitals or exiled to Siberia. -
Alexander II
Alexander II came to thrown during the Crimean War. The war started because he tried to take over Ottoman lands. Russia won and they felt that they needed changes and needed to moderanize. -
Emancipation of Serfs
Alexander the II agreed to reforms and freed the serfs. This brought many problems because many people were poor and couldnt afford to buy land, many lands were to small to farm on too. -
Zemstvos were elected assemblies and they were responsible for road repair, schools, agriculture. -
March 1881
In march there was day where a group of people who called themselves the people's will assassinated the czar. The people's will was agroup who killed officials. They killed Alexander II. They bombed his carriage and he died. -
pogroms were violent mob attacks on jews. Gangs and people killed jews and the police didnt do anything. Many jews were being killed during this time and many jews fleed to america. -
Alexander IIi made a program of russification. Russification was stopping the cultues of non russian people. Alexander III wanted one language and one church. People that werent Russian faced persecutions. They also targeted muslims and jews. -
Alexander III
Alexander III took his fathers place after the assassination. Alexander favored Nicholas I ways. He used the secret police to wipe out all liberal and revolutionary ideas. He relied on his Advisor Constantine Pobedonostev. The advisor rejected talk of democracy and constitutional government. -
Nicholas II
Nicholas II was Alexander III's son. Count Serge Witte was the finance minister to Nicholas.Witte focused o nthe economic development and encouraged railroad building. -
Trans-siberian railroad
Count Serge Witte encouraged to transport goods across russia. Loans from France helped build Trans-Siberian railroad. this railroad linked European Russia to the Pacific Ocean. Wanting to industrilize caused alot of problems.Nobles and peasants feared the changes that would come. -
Vladimir Ulyanov
Vladimir was a person who supported the ideas of Karl Marx. His older brother was executed for trying to kill Alexander II. He used a different name and it was Lenin. -
War with Japan
A war broke out and NicholassII todl his people to fight for the czar and the land. They lost bad and kept losing after that. The war was with japan. -
Bloody Sunday
On a cold sunday there was a march to the Czar's winter palace. This march was formed by an Orthodox priest, hoping maybe the king would understand. The Czar Nicholas II was scared so he fled his palace and sent his soldiers. His soldiers shot people and those people lost their faith in the orthodox faith and the czar. -
The Revolution of 1905
After bloody Sunday many people started problems across Russia. Some people even took over their local government. Peasants revolted and demanded land. Officials were being targeted and killed. -
October Manifesto
The October manifesto was when Nicholas promised freedoms. He said he would summon the duma or elect national legislature. He wouldn't allow anything without the approval of the Duma. The manifesto won over moderates and left the socialist alone. -
peter Stolypin
Peter Stolypin was Nicholas II's new prime minister. He restored order and arrests, pogroms, and executions started again. He realized that Russia needed reform and needed to gain support.He introduced moderate land reforms and strengthened the zemstvos. he improved education -
Stolypin was assassinated in 1911. After several more dumas met and laws were made conservative.