Aug 11, 1480
Ivan III Frees Russia from the Monguls
Ivan III, rebels against the Monguls and claims most of Russia. -
Period: Aug 25, 1530 to
Ivan The Terrible
He bacame the Czar in 1533. Ivan the Terrrible made a centrally conrtoled Government, and aquired a lot of land through ruthless means. -
Russian Famine
This famine was the worst Russia ever experienced, killing at least two million people or 1/3 of Russia's population. -
Period: to
Peter The Great
Peter The Great became the Czar in 1682. By the time he died, he centralized Government, modernized the Army, and created a Navy. -
Peter Begins Building
Peter begins to build Saint Petersburg in the Swedish land occupied by russia. -
Beard Tax
Russia comanded all those who wear a beard pay a tax. And at the payment of tax they get a token (the picture) to say they paid. -
Period: to
Catherine the Great Becomes Empress
She became the longest-ruling fermale leader of Russia. The time she ruled is known as the Catherian era, or known as the Golden age of Russia. -
Alexander I becomes Czar of Russia
Was the Czar of Russsia when Napolean tried to invade Russia. He tried to introduce Liberal Reforms. -
Napoleon Gets Defeated by Russia
Napoleon lead troops into Russia but was defeated in 7 months. -
Period: to
Crimean War
Was the fist modern war faught. It introduced technical changes which affected the future course of warfare, including the first tactical use of railways and the electric telegraph.