Russia from 1900 to 1921

  • The Social Democratic Party splits itself into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks

    Bolsheviks: Beleived it was the job of the partyto create a revolution.
    Mensheviks: Beleived Russia was not ready for revolution.
  • Russo-Japanese War

  • Bloody Sunday

    A crowd of 200000 protesters went to the Winter Palace to give a petition to the Tsar
  • First Duma

    Dominated by the Kadets - Nicholas dismissed it in July 1905.
  • Second Duma

    Dominated by the Social Revolutionaries - Nicholas dismissed it in June 1907.
  • Third Duma

    Dominated by the Octobrists and Rights - it lasted its full term to 1912.
  • Russia enters WWI

  • Nicholas abdicates and a provisional Goverment took over Russia

  • October Revolution

  • Lenin comes to power

  • Civil War

    Whites (anti-Bolsheviks) against Reds (Bolsheviks)
  • Execution of Tsar Nicholas and his family

  • End of WWI

  • End of Civil War

    Bolsheviks won
  • New Economic Policy

    Announced by Lenin